Is there any onions or garlic that can keep growing in the blazing heat of summer and still grow great as a perennial?
My thoughts are if I can grow onions or garlic around the bases of peach trees and other stone fruits or any plant with pest problems to help keep peach tree borers or other destructive insect damage to a lesser degree. Because I’ve read that onions and garlic have a repulsive smell to borers or most any any bad insect for that matter, but their egg laying time extends beyond what wild onion are even green to. And it would be preferable to just have to plant around a tree once and have stay there through to future years.
I’m not expecting a perfect cure, just something to help a tree or plant last possibly a little longer than it would would with nothing planted around it.
Walking onions or welsh clumping onions should stay growing through the summer heat.
This one would work great, and easy to establish
Someone here sent me walking onions and garlic chives (in a trade). I planted them in the mulch under my plum trees and in a food forest bed.
They grew well and did just fine thru our hot dry summer last season… the walking onions made several bulbs in the tops last summer and fall… and I spread those around to the base of other fruit trees.
They are very easy to spread around. They root and take off quickly.
I agree with chives and/or garlic chives. You do not get bulbs, but they are more resilient than walking onions IMO. Chives flower in the spring, garlic chives in the fall. They both attract honeybees.