Any Jackfruit growers

I got a seedling that unfortunately popped up another in the same cup. Very fast growing and didn’t seem to mind 115 temps the other day. How fragile are these roots?

Can I separate them or should I just cull the small one? Thanks

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you can try separating them by spraying a stream of water on the rootball so you could visibly untangle and minimize root damage. Jackfruit seed may vary in reaching age of maturity, so would be good to have more than one. Incidentally, if you decide not to separate, you can grown them side by side and braid them as they get taller. Just like their sisters: figs/mulberries, they also have bendy stems that readily braid to produce a two-in-one longitudinal graft having separate rootballs :slight_smile:


I just saw your reply. Idk why I didn’t see it before. Thanks.

I did separate them and they did great for a minute and then just died.

Luckily my friend that I gave the seeds to had a few more and they were in their own container so he gave me couple. Now let’s see how they do this winter.

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keep everyone here posted :seedling:

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I have 4 seedlings and one in ground (so 5 in total) just because I can’t resist planting a seed of something I don’t encounter often. Mine are almost a year old and about a ft tall I guess. However they need to be repotted and since I don’t even like jackfruit I have been slacking.

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Yeah I’m afraid to repot mine right now. And the 2nd tree I was planning on trying to bonsai it. Good luck re-planting them.

But are you sure you didn’t eat a Durian? Haha. The thing with Jackfruit from what I understand is they’re all grown from seeds. Some taste like banana, citrus, bubblegum, pineapple etc… The seeds we planted came from a JF that tasted like Juicy Fruit gum. It was amazing. I dehydrated a bunch too. I also heard that Juicy Fruit gum was made trying to recreate the flavors of a Jack Fruit.

I will try but will be very difficult…

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They’re fun to plant. Will have to protect for a few years too. But I do that with Avocados and Cherimoya now anyways.

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When I’ve had jackfruit it always has an aftertaste of foot to me. Durian smells like a foot but tastes better than a Jackfruit to me haha
I think they are both super cool, but will be ok never eating either again.


I buyed it once and the flavor was incredible! Strong citrus/tangerine flavor with a tropical aftertaste…

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I’ve had durian half a dozen times and jackfruit dozens of times.

It seems like all Durian have some funky smells and flavors, and some jackfruit have something similar that is a small fraction in degree.

But maybe some of these smells and flavors are experienced differently by different people similar to how some bitter compounds are are experienced, or not.

We have a potted jackfruit. It seems pretty easy to grow since ours has lived several years and we are terrible with potted plants.

We grew it from seeds of a jackfruit we ate. There were 2 others that were more vigorous, but they were killed during an abrupt transition to outdoors.


Thanks. In zone 8 is amazing. And promising. Are you protecting at all in the winter?

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I should have elaborated that it is primarily a houseplant. This one survived because it was a runt and she didn’t bother to put it outside when young like she did the others.

It went outside this summer on a covered porch with limited direct light mostly because it got scale or something from the potted Mukrat lime she’d bought.

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