Any nursery that still has persimmon rootstock?

I ordered some persimmon scion wood and still have like 10 scions left and no more seedlings. Is there any place that still has any, I checked and only found out-of-stock listings. Thanks!

You can check out Missouri department of conservation. They sell persimmon rootstocks.

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$1 each if you buy 50
$2 each if you buy less.

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(these are northern source seed)

I’d recommend the (25’s) at 4.50 each at 2-3 feet.

Should or if you have 1/4" or less scions and something larger if you have 3/8ths inch scions or greater.

These guys have large seedlings but they will have some buffalo leafhopper damage.


Those are pretty good prices for persimmons of that size. It can be hard finding large persimmon rootstocks. The seedlings tend to be very thin for anything under 24 inches to the point of being ungraftable due to poor scion rootstock size match.


Great, Thank you!.

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I ordered some 2-3’ seedlings from Pikes Peak January 17. They aren’t shipping until March, so I haven’t seen them yet, but they could be work looking into. $130 for 50 shipped . They would sell them in packs of 10 and 25 I think too.

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