It’s this one:
Rosa ‘Marianne’, Hybrid Gallica Rose – Dancing Oaks Nursery and Gardens
Its in Oregon!
On your house?
I don’t have any Gallica rose, they don’t grow here at all. I bought a Charles de Mills and gave it away.
ok thanks!
I have read that this one, being a hybrid, does have a wider range… But who knows. I have seen someone on Helpmefind posting pics of it in San Francisco bay area. I’m not american, but it there isn’ t much winter chill there right?
This Marianne rose is one I’m in love with, but it’s nowhere to be found in Europe.
SF is actually colder than my area, so I think they can grow it. But I had Charles de Mills for months and it didn’t bloom at all. Most roses do very well here.
Your roses are beautifull! I’m always seeing them here…
They are really beautifull! I apreciate a lot to see them!
I do I do I do!
Just planted it last summer. I wrote to Paul Barden and he sent me a starter plant. I also have his Allegra. I have stared at ever photo of Marianne and became obsessed!
I live in 6a Marblehead Ma and piled on the mulch and a placed a winter “coat “ on her.
Good luck!
Try to get on this HOUZ blog. It is a thread all about the Marianne breeder. He often responds! Paul Barden’s Rose Varieties Are Becoming Rare
ok i will try to contact him. Can i hask you if no success?
This thread reminds me I do have Polka, I will plant it soon after the rain.
I do have Joyce Barden and Jenny Jennings from RVR. But stop buying anything from RVR, they sent me too many wrong roses.
Oh is Joyce related to Paul? I had a confusing time ordering from RVR last spring. The Marianne I got from RVR died and there were other mishaps.
I think I talked to Janet and she said it’s his mother.
According to Paul’s latest post, he won’t have anything next spring due to crop failure.
“As for ‘Marianne’, I won’t have plants of it to offer this coming spring; I had a complete crop failure of cuttings in May/June, since “summer” started a month late here, and then immediately soared into the mid-90s, so all cuttings died before they could root. Maybe in the Fall of 2023 I will have a couple.”
It’s definitely a beauty, so gorgeous.
I signed on to Houzz to ask Paul if I can grow this rose in my area. I hope he will reply.