Anybody got signs of peaches waking up?


I did a simpler Excel spreadsheet for that method as well as just the simple 32-45° method.

Using my personal weather station as well.

No programmer here :joy:


Don’t sell yourself short! Excel formulas are a type of coding, too :grin:


My Eva Pride that was planted from bareroot has flowered already and is leafing out. None of my other trees are though. My nectaplum has bud swell, but nothing else is doing anything.


Our peaches are still pretty much asleep, but barely. We lost most of the fruit buds to the -13F weather. Still there seems to be some left, but who knows if they have all the parts to make fruit.

Some of the maples have lots of green tissue coming out, so things are pretty advanced for this time of year.


Me 2 Cincinnati Ohio. Flower buds


I saw a pear tree in full bloom today (February 14th 2024) near Clanton, Alabama.


Obviously dependent on location, but in south Louisiana I have blooms about to open on the 5 sticks of Desert Gold peach I have. Planted late summer 2023.

Though I will be removing the peach grafts on these trees to regraft to the rootstock, these little trees have had their chill and are ready.

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I’m waiting for the temps to get up to the point I can spray. Bad weather kept me from making a fall spray, so this spring is critical.


For PLC or other stuff?

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I’m already out the door.


Yup. We had a decent chill accumulation with few real warmups until the last cold spell ended. No stopping low chill trees down here.

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Mine were waking up on 2-12-23 in the high tunnel. The outside ones are still sleeping. What’s the organic protocol for PLC? I can’t use chemicals and I don’t want to use copper (which is approved for Organic Certification). Is there anything else?

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Especially PLC. I can do a dormant oil spray later.

Here in Indiana we have maintained cold nights

here is a phot of our peach trees are asleep under a blanket of snow


What a beautiful photo and beautifully shaped tree!

Be sure to post a photo with it in full bloom from the same spot in a month or two.



Thank you, sun had just set and I wanted to capture it before the wind blew off the snow.

I’ll thank Olpea for all his advice. It helps when you buy a 3 foot whip. Prune what you think is enough, then prune 50% more. Thin what you think is enough then…

My trees are Red Haven and they really aren’t very showy. The red bud outer layer is most of the color! But I’ll take more photos!


60 degrees today, and I got out to do the copper spray for PLC. All my buds are still dormant, I’m glad to see.


Wow, that seems real early for Ohio. I’m closer to Cleveland. So far, no signs of anything waking up here.

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Currently Copper and Sulphur in lower concentrations are considered organic options by certifying organizations. I am experimenting with Hydrogen Peroxide and Microbial metabolites based fungicides.


Traveled from Fresno south to Visalia today for a visit. Took some photos of bloom on the way back. Including:
Late & Early peach bloom,- the early one just about to be ready for thinning.
A closer look at the early-blooming peach
Blooming in front is a wonderful nectarine, across the road is the early peach after bloom
Trellised plums blooming abundantly
Nonpareil almond in full bloom