Pacific Northwest Fruit & Nut Growers

PLC spray experiment:

I am running an experiment to test controlling peach leaf curl in our climate using sprays that have low toxicity levels. Varieties included in the tests (except Spice Zee & Red Haven) are supposed to be resistant to PLC yet reports here confirm they still get PLC. These trees are small enough to spray frequently within 5 minutes and obtain maximum coverage. I will be adding a bare root Redhaven tree to the test sometime in the spring when it gets delivered from the nursery.


  1. Nanaimo Peach
  2. Landt Peach
  3. Pacific Pride - Nectarine
  4. Morton - Nectarine
  5. Spice Zee - Nectaplum
  6. Redhaven - Peach

Spray ingredients & Frequency:

  1. December and January - Hydrogen Peroxide (Oxidate 2.0) @ 1 oz in a gallon of water. Once a week during a day of gap in rain.

  2. February to May - Hydrogen Peroxide (Oxidate 2.0) @ 1 oz in a gallon of water. Followed by 2-4 hr gap and spray Monterey Complete Disease Control fungicide - 2 TBS in a gallon of water with 1 tsp Nufilm sticker (double dose). Once a week.

  3. May to October - Monterey Complete Disease Control - 2 TBS in a gallon of water with 0.5 tsp Nufilm sticker. Twice every month as time permits.

Welcome any inputs and opinions.