Anybody had success rooting Peach Trees?

Were you able to read the whole article? The abstract looked interesting but I really did not want to buy the publication or join ISHS.

No, just the abstract jogged some memories. Mostly propagation techniques in printed articles from the 50’s thru 70’s. Some prunus clones would root far more easily than others. Dr. Barrett developed many prunus hybrids before he went to Florida, one was very easy to strike roots, he recommended it for inexpensive rootstocks. I believe it’s still in the G.R.I.N. collection.

@randyks This might be the rootstock you were referring to:

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Good find! I read Dr. Barrett’s original summary of his prunus breeding somewhere many years ago. That blip about striking in mist, and the fact he found ‘Convoy’ to accept all sorts of prunus pollen comes to mind.

Kind of a neat idea for apple rootstock… not sure if it would work for peaches as well.

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the article is available on sci hub. considering the research in the article was originally done with US taxpayer support, I don’t feel super conflicted about getting it there

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Hi, Dennis, I am curious why you want to airlay buckthorn? It grows like weeds here, can’t get rid of it

Hi Annie,
My wife sells the new ones and my Titan is a heavy producer, so there is good demand for them

I am even more confused. Buckthorn produces tiny little black berries that have no particular use as far as I know. And it has thorns! I can’t imagine someone would want it grow on the property

Some people call seaberry " buckthorn".

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Found and printed the article. Never used sci hub before but worked great after i learned about doi

found this: " Rhamnus cathartica, colloquially known as common buckthorn, is a deciduous shrub or small tree native to Europe. This plant is hazardous to humans and most animals; all parts of it are mildly poisonous."

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I’m pretty sure @DennisD was referring to this plant since he mentioned the cultivar “Titan”:

From their description:

Also known as Sea Buckthorn, Sea Berry is prized for its exceptional ornamental value, tasty and healthy fruit, and the ability to grow in and improve poor soils.

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Correct Winn,
If it were what Dennis is referring to (Rhamnus cathartica), I would not be growing it! Not sure why he thought of that! Sea Buchtnorne juice are very rich in vitamin C and we consume it freely without hesitation! A very common tree grown in Siberia and eastern USSR where locals grow and consume as well. I got my Titan from Raintree


Thank you all for the help. Now, it makes a lot of senses! I have heard a lot of good things about the sea berry. I wanted to grow sea berries but I really don’t have space left.

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How did you do blueberries ? Mine always die

its a very good emetic, apparently. Not good eating, unless youre looking to vomit, that is !

Good to know but I don’t plan to try it.

might be useful in a pinch? theres certainly enough of it around, at least here!

Does anyone have the information about the cloning ,hat Leonard William(Alcedo) developed.The procedure,where the water sprout or small branch is constricted.@Drew51?
Alcedo passed away a few years ago and I can’t find the info and the link to it on Gardenweb is dead.
I did find his work with air layering Peach water sprouts,which is a little different,but looks effective.