Interested to hear your experience how Krymsk-1 is working out for plum (European and Japanese). Vigor, fruiting, pruning etc. Post a few pictures of your tree.
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Here’s my planting on K1 spaced 5ft x 1.5ft.
Training high density trellised pluot and apricot, my plan - General Fruit Growing - Growing Fruit
Greenhouse fruit update - General Fruit Growing - Growing Fruit
The rootstocks were planted Febr 2014, budded in June 2014, and started bearing in 2015. One of my better horticultural feats.
oh I have see this post. Does the behavior of early spur forming extends to plums?
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The pluots are probably going to behave the same as regular Japanese plums.
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I am not but I know Cummins sells plums on krymsk-1 rootstock. I ordered a Damson on Krymsk-1 last year and it is supposed to be shipped March 25th I believe.