Just want to try a few. Nice, inspiring article regarding crabapples below.
For crabapples in 2019, I requested Eda and South Dakota Bison from GRIN. I added Trail, Trailman, Shafer, Linda Sweet, Ben Trio, and Pup’s Tego this spring. We’ll see if they survive the winter.
When touring the Geneva collection last weekend Thomas Chao showed us Roberts Crab. It has dark red/purple skin and striking red flesh. I’d like to ad that one. Flavor wasn’t too bad, and it would make an interesting addition to cider for color.
I had Trail crab many years ago when visiting a client in North Dakota. Super sweet! Good to eat but almost too sweet after I ate more than my share in two days. It is a good tasting crab but not too large.
Yes, I was planning on Chestnut or Trialman to graft on next year. If anyone prefers one over the other, let me know.
Adding tons / trying to add tons. Can’t get nor find Martha to save my life. Maybe it’s a waste-of-time. Want to add Almay but everything says it’s a disease magnet. Having trouble finding Kerr too - hopefully the Scion Exchange group on FB has a lead.
I really like wickson crabapples. Think you would enjoy them!
Clark, any opinion of Chestnut vs Trailman for zone 7?
Wish I could compare those for you but they are not ones I grow. Hopefully someone with more experience can comment and educate us both.
Thanks, I have heard good things about Wickson, but I think Scott and some others said it doesn’t grow well here on the east coast.
@scottfsmith has grown a lot of crabapple and in that zone so I’m sure you’re right about wickson .
How large is Roberts Crab?
I might add another Chestnut, already have two bearing. Great little apples, super for cider, apple butter and fresh eating.
Decent size for a crab, smaller than a fresh eater. Bigger than a ping-pong ball. Derik Mills has it described as: “England - 1970’s. A large purple-skinned crab-apple, with red flesh.”
All the crabs mentioned above sound like they would be good choices but I have never tasted any of them. Of the different ones that I have I like Craven Crabapple the most. It is about ping pong ball size.
I bought my Kerr last year from One Green World. They haven’t updated their inventory for spring yet.
I grow Wickson and I’m in upstate NY. Haven’t had too many problems but it’s only a 3 yr old tree. Got lots of apples this year. I’m keeping the tree I really like it. But I don’t consider it a crab, it’s just a very small apple.
I always thought any apple consistently less than 2" was a crabapple?
That’s what I read as well. My Wickson’s are about 2” that’s why it seems to be confused with a crab.