Anyone grow mangosteen or cherimoyas?

I’ve eaten custard apples / sapote in the Islands, but never any mangosteens. Also have had a few cherimoyas in L.A… That is one of the few things I miss about L.A…beside the figs!

No cherimoyas yet, its not a priority, but its on the shortlist. I have some sugar apple and soursop seedlings that I’ve started from seed this year, so if I get a cherimoya I’ll probably try to get one from a nursery (an improved variety if they have any). I am hesitant from buying more expensive trees though right now.
True mangosteens were also on my list, but they look more like an ultratropical, which is a no go for me. We rarely have a significant amount of hours below 35 to worry most plants, but the ones that start to die at 45 and below won’t make it here without protection.
I do however have 3 lemondrop mangosteen seedlings and a gamboge seedling (garcinia xanthochymus) , which are supposedly more cold tolerent. Plus they have pretty leaves, so if I need to keep them in the pot on the porch no one will complain.


Check out tropical fruit forum . Com

I have a lemon drop mangosteen also, and like @sharq some sugar apple seedlings and soursop. Also some supposedly cold hardy annona seeds ordered from Marcos but as mentioned I think in the continental US true mangosteen aren’t possible. I think like breadfruit temps below 50 start to quickly kill them.