Was thinking about planting some winter crops soon and wondered if anyone else grows grains? The old timers taught me to plant grasses (technically wheat and rye are grasses) in any month that ends in R so September, October, November, December are all fair game. Most years September is kind of early and December is kind of late but either works in a pinch. Rye and wheat are good about choking out weeds the following year. They also provide greens for you and your animals in the middle of winter when greens are mostly dead. I raised my chickens 3-4 patches of wheat years ago and rotated them on a different patch week to week all winter. It kept them healthy and helped feed them. We grazed cows on the wheat when it got to tall during winter years ago and they really liked it. So if you plant in September you can graze it back down. In my case I consider the greens as valuable as the grain. Kansas grows grains extremely well so it makes sense to work them in the garden rotation. When the winter wheat comes off the following year in July most of the weeds have lost their opportunity for the year because most of the moisture is gone. Harvesting grains in small quantities is fairly easy it’s like harvesting mustard seed. If your not familiar with small scale grain harvesting you might look at this thread on harvesting mustard seed Mustard seed Harvest. I was thinking about getting my seed from Hard Red Winter Wheat Berries | How to Cook Wheat Berries or http://www.alseed.com/Pages/CropCategoryListing.aspx?categoryID=30 both of which I’ve made purchases through before. This is my choice if I go with rye http://www.alseed.com/Pages/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=283&categoryID=33
Wanted to revive this old thread. Ive grown lots of winter rye and wheat throught the years but remember not all of it is winter wheat. Ive not grown barley and summer wheats. You can broadcast any of these grasses.
Remember with wheat there are differences
HARD Red wheat is used for breads - winter
Hard White wheat is used for breads- winter
Soft White wheat is used for pastries - spring
Ancient Kamut wheat is used for flat breads and pasta - spring - Has anyone grown kamut (Khorasan)? (grains and pseudograins forum at permies)
White is used in beers as well but cultivation is easy Hard White Wheat: Producing North Dakota’s Next Market Opportunity — Publications
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