Anyone growing redwoods or sequioas, especially outside California?

Well that autocorrect can just go straight to heal…


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Speaking of redwoods, about 30 years ago I traveled to the West Coast, and drove down the coast from Coos Bay, Oregon to San Francisco. A couple highlights were stopping at Redwood National Park, and Muir Woods National Monument.

It was truly awe-inspiring standing at the base of these giants and straining in vain to try to see the tops. For some reason, I kept expecting a T-Rex to step out of the shadows. There’s something primeval being in such a setting.


Primeval is the right word.

I’m sorry to have missed the prehistoric times when such forests existed all around the world, but am hopeful for a future that I won’t see where they are common again, more common even than they were perhaps.


(Just hang on…if they manage to find some DNA they can still put in a test tube, could be you’ll see one again. And just use the imagination…someone passes a regulation on ‘protecting the dinosaurs’) Speaking of, they had the highest counts ever this January for
manatee in Florida…so much for ‘endangered’.

I have seen an occasional potted tree for sale in Lexington KY over the years–only one I ever planted died pretty quickly.


I’m with friends in Berkeley Heights this weekend. They’re up near the top of the hill, and I’m currently sitting by a window surrounded by fog and backyard, 100 foot redwoods looming out of this suburban neighborhood. Even that is magical!



I split out those suckers on the 15th of January. They seem good, no wilting. I will get you some soon. Sorry it’s been so long. How many would you like? I have 5 suckers all together. There will be many new seedlings around April so I don’t need to keep any…

I would love the green gage pluot. I don’t have any persimmons yet to graft to, so save your scions. I am all ready trying to root some cuttings (exercise in futility from what I read) I got from @DennisD. Also, the Korean giant pear and whatever the yellow (ish) euro plum you think sets fruit well I would love. Looks like you have a couple to pick from.

I took some pluerry cuttings for you 2 weeks ago or so so they would still be dormant. I totally get it if you think I missed plum scions for this season, but I have had pretty good luck grafting active trees. Anyway, protbably should have PM you, either way let’s meet up soon.


I have struggled to get dawn redwood seeds to take. I purchased some online but no luck even after cold stratifying. I have mentioned previously about my own large Dawn Redwood tree. I’ve gotten four seeds collected rather late to sprout on a dampened paper towel in a baggie, but upon transfer, their growth in potting soil is so slow that they falter. Knowing their growth habits, I keep the soil fairly moist.

Any words of wisdom? Heat mat? Scarifying?

Just received Chief River’s spring catalog, have you ordered from them before?


Yes, I have. Their stock is okay, most I have received is usually on the smaller side of the listings. Their customer service has been great for me.


Dawn redwood trees do well in Massachusetts. I’ve seen them near me (zone 6) and closer to the coast (zone 7). I haven’t seen any coastal redwoods or sequoias here.


I potted up about 20 Coastal Redwoods into 4 inch cups today. Hopefully I will wind up with several planted here at my place in Tennessee and maybe some on my land near Hamilton, Alabama.


My dawn sequoias arrived looking like kindling and now look like happy tiny little trees in my unheated basement with a grow light! What beautiful, perfectly proportioned little guys.


Come visit Blithewold in Bristol RI. Probably a ~1 hour drive.

Oh wow, i think i will. Do they have a giant Sequoia?

Yes. Check out the links I posted above.

Went to the Arnold arboretum for the first time this weekend. Their dawn redwood grove is spectacular.

Does anyone know anything about different cultivars of dawn redwoods? It’s strange — if you search across nurseries, you see very different heights and kinds quoted, when I had thought dawn redwoods were only “rediscovered” in 1940s so we have very little knowledge of full life potential and it’s not clear to me how we’d have half a dozen cultivars already.

edit for list see eg


I’m in SoCal, purchased 2 little Giant Sequoia Redwood tree when I attended a wedding in the Sequoia National Park town about 8 years ago. One potted tree was up potted to a 5 gallon and it is the one I’m showing below. The other tree was also in a 5 gallon pot that I left in my backyard. It’s roots escaped from the bottom of the pot so the tree grew over 20 feet tall, diameter of tree is about 4-5" now.

This smaller tree pot in 5 gallon was on cemente walk way on the side of the house so it didn’t grow as fast. This tree was moved in-ground a year ago so I used it for my Christmas tree in the front.

After 1 year, the tree had lots of new shoots, I counted about 100 new shoots, now you can see the individual shoots since they grew out a little.


So: I think I’m going to plant one of my dawn redwood seedlings in the ground. However, I’m trying to think about siting, and risks to foundations, septic tanks, etc. Does anyone know anything trustworthy I can consult about this? I feel like I walk around Berkeley Heights sometimes when I’m out west and there’s just redwoods in neighborhoods everywhere, but I want to make sure I’m not making a huge mistake (pun intended).

I live in Cincinnati. WE get a ton of moisture from Ohio river and drys up too. Perfect for Redwoods… Ive been on a cypress kick myself getting abunch of Bald Cypress to come up by collecting seed pods and seedlings. I evan found a Dawn Redwood seedling and olanted it in the front last year and it lived. I first plantwd Giant sequioas in July 2022… for what ever reason I had to leave to California and no one watered them and they died in August heat… no rain always dries up. I live in Cincinnati Ohio river valley… the aqufer is North and runs into Ohio river here, but Cincinnati is up on a ridge that was a reef that formed during Paleozic era… no ground water… Anyway i replant the Giant Sequioas again the next year with Dawn Redwoods and they all lived. I evan bought a Coast Redwood seedling after i saw this video: Tim’s Zone Pushing Garden; youtube.

Some things… California stuff particularly… one i leave the leaves and sticks rot on the ground… I bury dead fish I catch and eat for fertilizer. I have a fish pond to treat the city water because they put stuff in it likenchlorine which doesnt work well with redwoods; so when choosing a spot make sure you wont have to water it with city water. The bald Cypress is extremely adaptable and can tolerate pollution. They can evan grow in salt water… use those down by the street where they theow salt, but i have seen people are starting to plant Dawn Redwoods close to the streets and sidewalks as privacy hedges and they look good.

There are more Bald cypress seedlings and the Sequioa Seperenvienes, but i just got it 3 days ago so not relevant… still awesome… i saw a guy on youtube in Mass grow one and he put Christmas lights on it to keep alive in winter… I had to get one. Tim’s Zone pushing garden.

Anyway all the Dawn Redwood and Giant Sequioa were planted last August… The Bald Cypress came up in Spring 2023 by seed and the bigger one came up in Spring 2022.

Oh there was another Bald Cypress I planted last fall also that I bought from a nursury. It had red stems and the foiliage was extra bright compared to the other normal ones next to it so I shelled out the 25 dollars cash. Sure enough this year it grows… it’s foiliage is extra bright evan in shade where it only gets sun sets… looks like it glows!

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