I can’t figure out the hardiness zone for this one. I know it opens up early like my White Pakistan, but I can’t figure out what temps it can handle while dormant. If anyone has some insight, I’d be interested. Trees of Joy had them available so I grabbed one up. I’ve been wanting one of these or the World’s Best that was being thrown around. I could never get a hold of the World’s Best, but I hear they are similar.
I have one that will be going through its first winter this year. It is growing like crazy right now and it is supposed to get down to 27 degrees on Wednesday. I am really worried about it. I don’t know what the absolute cold it can take in the winter.
Chad I have some World’s Best they are first year trees so it will be probably another year before I start propagating them. I will keep you posted.
I received my little rooted mulberry from Trees of Joy. With it being so small, I’ll keep it in my little greenhouse and move the sucker into the garage for any below freezing temps. Should be enough protection to keep the frost off. Well, hopefully. Do these things not go dormant? I thought it was a variety of Alba.
You can pull the leaves off and leave it in cool area. it will goes into dormant.
That sucker finally dropped its leaves. Hopefully they come back in March!
i saw there was some fruits did it ripen properly? how was the taste?
They did! I should have pulled them with it being so small, but I was too curious. They stayed pretty small, but ripened(at least in color). Sweet bit of flavor. I liked them, but they were pretty tiny. HOPEFULLY that isn’t the final size of the berries once the plant gets established.
i think it will be a better flavor, better size, more reliably ripen in summer once established please keep us updated thank you
Could we please have the update? I am looking into amulberry I could plant in pot. This “dwarf” variety interests me.
Not much to update. It’s growing. It had a few berries on it a few weeks ago, but they weren’t anything special. As of right now I couldn’t make a recommendation for it.
As far as I can see this is actually “Mojo berry” as it is sold in the US or “Charlotte Russe” as it is marketed in Europe. This is a dwarfish Morus alba with tiny berries that are a bit sweet but actually quite bland. They completely lack any acidity… this a cleverly marketed product is completely overrated. It is probably sold as “Thai dwarf” to avoid paying royalties to the breeder (Matsunaga) who came up with this plant about 40 years ago. In my experience “Gerardi dwarf” is still the only really good tasting dwarf mulberry (alba x rubra hybrid) and really worth growing.
They certainly had some acidity to them, but they weren’t very large. It’s handling potted life well enough so I’ll come back to this thread when I see some berries again next year.
When the berries still have a dark red or burgundy color they should have some acidity but once they are completely black and come off easily, or drop off…then all acidity has disappeared…
Then that might be an misidentification. I picked them black.
My Thai Dwarf got hit by several freezes during the winter, it would break dormancy at every warm spell. It grew back from the ground and I got 2 unspectacular mulberries. It has been growing nicely so I pruned it back a little and fertilized it. It is putting out new growth that is covered in fruit. Hopefully the fruit will be better than what it produced earlier.
Oh nice! I need to prune mine then if it induces fruiting. It’s growing like crazy.
I’m really curious about the quality of the berries and the actual size of this mulberry tree after a few years. It is hard to imagine that it would remain dwarf as it grows “like crazy”… it also doesn’t have short internodes like Gerardi dwarf. I’m really, really curious to see how it evolves over the years.
I also purchased one from Trees of Joy. Grew 3 feet but no flowers so far. Not hopeful for fruit this year. I also have a 6 ft “dwarf everbearing” with much smaller leaves. It has never produced fruit or flowers so probably compost it soon.