Anyone here into loquat?

Too far for a humming bird

Here in Zone 9 in CA, the weather is still in the 70’s. We have 2 or 3 weeks of warm. It usually get cold during Thanksgiving week and that’s their usually blooming cycle.

Still able to graft stone fruit and citrus. Some of the nectarine grafts was successful. Limes and oranges graft was good too. This week is the last week to graft here before the cold set in.

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Looking for advice on my loquat. I got a nice Argelino (Angelino) from JFE in the spring and planted it here in S. Arizona, hot, dry z9a/b. Even with generous water, the leaves soon got crispy so I covered it with a tomato cage and shade cloth. For the last six months it’s just being hanging on, looking very unhappy. I read somewhere that it might be a soil deficiency here and tried a light application of epsom salts. Someone else suggested it might be a salinity issue. I was thinking that maybe it’s just not a good plant for my climate, but I’ve seen healthy mature loquats in my city. I’d appreciate any suggestions for care and feeding.

Are you near Tucson?

Yes, I live in Tucson.

It could work there. About the soil, no need to add any alkaline salts. If you’d like to obtain a soil test, either the county Ag dept. or Nutrien Ag can help you. For the latter, you’ll need to inquire in person. Those folks can also advise you on frequency of watering, etc. Keep in mind they are accustomed to working with farmers. If you have further questions feel free to ask here.

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I have watched a bunch of videos shamus O’Leary has and he’s in the Phoenix area. He says they need afternoon shade when young which in y’all’s desert sun is like 10:30/11-sunset. So likely you have it in too much direct light even with the shade cloth. You can either move it to a more suitable location or expect it to limp by until it makes it through the rough few years. Also I’d increase the irrigation on it for the time being. Crispy leaves whatever the reason is drought stress. Good luck :+1:t3:

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First flowers opening up, noticed the same exact day as last year so that’s kind of cool.


I had agriculture customers in Tucson for a few decades. Nowadays I’m there at least once per year for a sequencing project with U. Arizona.

Tucson summer heat is similar to Redlands where I grew up. Loquats thrived in it.

The summers in Phoenix are more intense. I’ve traveled there on several occasions. It has a deserving name.


Anyone done much air layering on loquat? If so what time of year have you had success?

Would the “brown roten part of the fruit” could come from a cryptogamic disease ?

If you look back at the context, that was damage during an extreme heat wave around 110°F, not from disease

You were telling me they grow these in Phoenix where it gets hot like this from late spring until early autumn. Is that a particular variety?

Agree! I am on a few loquat forums on Facebook and it is the usual. Many get on there just to peddle their seeds, fruit, or trees.

I have Novak and was highly impressed by it’s fruit quality and personally consider it much better then Bradenton, for which I have. Since you seem to have the same ones I am planning on getting, how do you compare Novak to Argelino/Angelino and Kanko. Is Novak pretty close in its flavor profile to Argelino ? From what I have read, they seem to be very similar in quality?

My mom brought a seed of a loquat 20years ago from Spain to grow out, as she loved the flavor. She insists to bring indoors ever winter. Its starting to get a bit too big inside the house hehe. Never had any fruit from it yet though. If anyone wants a large 6-7ft loquat to trial out and pick up from Philadelphia, let me know, i can prob convince her its going to a good home down South (or person with a heated greenhouse up North) where it can actually fruit :joy:


My vote is to just plant in a protected spot (partially enclosed courtyard? south-facing brick wall? add string lights?) in Philadelphia. The tree itself will probably grow fine and just have minor dieback most winters, and who knows maybe you’ll have a really mild winter at some point and get a crop.


Here’s a different looking loquat fruit, anyone else seen something like this with red blush on the outside?

This is my first loquats to ripen this year.


I pick my loquat fruit when it’s yellow. When it turned different color it’s overripe or sun burn. It’s telling you to eat it.

I do know when the loquats are ripe, I have 90 varieties grafted on this tree, but thanks for the advice. I have been eating them, and it is very sweet (brix=17)