Anyone here into loquat?

Does it bloom and have fruit at about the same time as most commonly grown Loquats do, or months later than that?

Itā€™s the earliest on my tree now. The others are just starting to turn yellow, but not ripe yet here in SoCal.


Hi. Has anyone had success grafting loquat? I purchased some good scions a few months ago and grafted them immediately. (I was told that loquat scionwood doesnā€™t keep well.) None of them took, and Iā€™m wondering if it was just too cold here. Zone 9b but we probably had lows near freezing and highs below 65 or so. I wouldnā€™t rule out user error but Iā€™m a fairly practiced grafter at this point. I have a healthy, generic ā€œJapanese loquatā€ in ground and would love to graft some named varieties. Looking for general loquat grafting advice. Thanks!

Thanks for the grafting tiips, George. Iā€™ll try loquat again when temps are warmer.

Iā€™m guessing loquat is a type of grafting that you do when both scion and rootstock are actively growing?

I have some quince rootstocks Iā€™d like to graft with loquat. Do you have a good source to recommend for purchasing loquat scions?

I grafted mine in mid February and they all took really easily. I made several mistakes too, long scion, not really warm temps. They seem to be pretty forgiving trees to graft

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This winter it got down to about 16 degrees Fahrenheit, we kept our trees outside this winter up against the house so way better than away from the house, not only did they keep their leaves, most of the winter the leaves kept opening/getting bigger. I have not tried grafting them myself yet although it seems like most of the year is good grafting time, if you are grafting indoors, and if itā€™s warm enough, the root stock as long as it has itā€™s leaves still it puts at least a little effort in to growing vegetation.

I am not sure what temperatures are best for grafting loquat, although I do know that if you choose the wrong root stock, that could make the grafting a definite fail, for example a root sock that goes dormant easy, or a root stock that is very cool/cold sensitive. The wrong root stock, and 23 degrees Fahrenheit indoors could kill a graft done the year before, indoors there is no windchill, so better than outdoors at the same temperature. I wonder what root stock your tree has. with grafting warmer is always better, as long as not too hot.

Were the scion you got all the same variety?

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Iā€™m on a work trip and I bought some large loquats off a guy in Chinatown, SF. They are a large size, very juicy, orange fleshed, roundish shape, and very little acid. Hands down the best loquats Iā€™ve ever had. (Iā€™m not a connosour though and have mostly eaten random seedling fruit).

Does anyone know the variety?

Iā€™m definitely going to grow the seeds out though.


I have very similar looking sproutsā€¦ is the brown top ok? First time with seeds from my uncle in the LA area and Iā€™m in Phoenix. Put some shade over it as we are well over 100 degrees every day till the end of September or even October.