Skillcult research and video on historic way to make apple butter
Interesting read, I really enjoy old recipes.
Interesting on the differences re: stoneware/earthenware
Thanks for Sharing.
I suppose sweet cider was added and boiled down to boost suger levels. Cider being cheaper then cane suger at the time. Im sure it also gave the finished product more flavor. I might try making apple butter with apple juice concentrate in the crock pot next time.
Yeah- what is the difference? I thought all they had was clay jugs or crocks, which is earthenware I’m guessing. Not sure what stoneware is. BTW Tom Burford, Professor Apple, is big fan of apple butter. In his book he includes a fairly long list of apples that were historically used for AB.
I think stoneware is fired at a higher temperature. I wounder if it is possibly less porous?
Looking up Teh Wiki: Stoneware, it would seem, is vitreous and earthenware not, which would suggest it is more porous
I suppose that for longterm storage, the harder substance would be preferable, tho a lot of those recipes call for earthenware - perhaps as that’s what was available at the time and place?