Apple Flavor and Aroma Wheel

Has anyone created or is anyone aware of a detailed flavor and aroma wheel/chart for apples? Similar to what is used for coffee, tea, wine, beer, and honey.


Good idea.

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I have seen matrices for wine grapes and apples.

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Google pulled up this one…

It seems fairly complete to me, lots of the more unusual flavors you can get in some apples are there.


Thanks, @scottfsmith ! This one looks a bit generalized? But it could work, as could many of the others. I think having one will help me maintain a more consistent method for my tasting notes, but it would be nice if there was a “standard” one out there that I knew others were using!

Edit: For example - using the above chart, I don’t know where I would sort the “malt and olives” flavor you can get from Frostbite. Lactic, maybe?

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I’ve yet to have a Frostbite hang on the tree until ripeness. So, someday perhaps.

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