I have sprayed my trees but the damage keeps coming does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? Have no clue what this fly is.
Pod, you need to let us know where you are located in the USA (or the world). This may not be insect damage, could be fungal or bacterial. And, what are you spraying?
I sprayed with Bonide complete fruit tree spray is what it says. I am in zone 6 Detroit area.
Not sure what fly that is but I had the exact same one on my apple trees recently. It’s a pretty green iridescent color. Not sure if it’s a bad guy or not.
Your pretty green fly is a Long Legged Fly ( (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Condylostylus: longicornis). According to what I found searching around the Internet, they’re often found near swamps and streams. Adults and the larvae of many species of this fly are predaceous on smaller insects, and some larvae feed on pestiferous bark beetles. So, a “good guy”.
It doesn’t look like enough damage to have any practical negative effect. I don’t spray anything until damage reaches a much higher threshold unless I know the conditions will get worse. I doubt that will be the case with this fly.
Well that is great that the fly is a good thing. You can’t see it in any of the pics but there is some leaf tip burn and leafs curling up also at the tips. My biggest concern is that it seems like growth has slowed significantly.