Apple trees Dying

I have two apple trees with no leaves that will most likely be dug up and replanted, I feel that they have no hope for survival. And one tree that seems to be infected with the same thing. The strange thing I saw today was little whitish growths? coming from the main trunk. I’ve taken some pictures and attached them. Please give any advice about saving my trees. Thanks.


Looks like Ambrosia beetle damage.

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Another vote for Ambrosia Beetle. I topworked about 75 trees this spring and every one looks like the picture.

From what I understand, they are drawn to trees under stress which are producing ethanol.


Did I loss my trees? I think I also have fire blight?? Could I have both problems??

Yes, you could., The Beetle is sort of an afterthought. Something else hurt them. I don’t grow apples, so not much help. I have seen Ambrosia beetle damage on figs before. Many species of this beetle exist, some native, some invaders.

that’s a bummer…never seen anything like that before and I hope I never do…I’d think you’d want to get those out there as fast you can before they affect any of your other trees.

That does look like fireblight. In my humble opinion I would plant stone fruit in place of the apples and plant apples elsewhere. When a tree dies of a nasty disease when I replant I use autumn berry, persimmon, pawpaw, jujube etc. that is a completely different species. Another trick I use is I plant a row of cherries and a row of pears and then some autumn berries and more pears but I never plant a solid row of anything in case fireblight hits an apple it can’t rip down the entire row of apples but stops at the autumn berries or mulberries. Same thing with stone fruit canker and leaf spot it stops at the pears. In a small orchard alternate fruits to every other one where they have good pollination but not contact so diseases can’t easily jump trees. These methods have saved me many times and cost me learning those type of hard lessons.


Sad day today, I removed 3 of my 4 apple trees and burned them in my burn barrel. After removing them I sprayed all my other trees with Permethrin. I’ve read to spray every 10 to 14 days. Can I mix Indar with the Permethrin or fert-i-lome? What should I do now to protect my other apple, peach, and pawpaw trees?

What type of apple is your last one? The peach and pawpaw won’t get the same diseases as the apple.

My last tree is a Zystar on G-11 I lost a Liberty on G-16, Enterprise on G-41 and Goldrush on G-11. I’m trying to keep the ambrosia beetle from attacking my peach and pawpaw.

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Don’t believe you can save the trees.

I have Ambrosia beetles also and the Apple Pathologist suggested that I cut and remove all of my trees with Ambrosia Beetles that I grafted this spring. She indicted I should get it done in the next 2 weeks and that the expected survival rate for infected trees is very low.

Looks like 100% of my cleft and bark grafts have the problem but so far none of the other trees in the orchard have the problem.

Sad day I know the feeling