Can anyone inform me of some apples that have the tendency to progressively ripen their crop over a long season?
Thank you
Can anyone inform me of some apples that have the tendency to progressively ripen their crop over a long season?
Thank you
You’re in Calif.? Steven Edholm maybe a good one (SkillCult) to ask?
Allen’s Everlasting and Jefferis are two. Carolina Red June a little bit. Consider other apples are pickable un-ripe for cooking/cider. Plus ripe.
No, I’m out in Texas. But he does seem to know a lot
Thank you. Looking to see if it’s a genetic expression that could be passed down or bred into a variety.
I vaguely recall SanJacinto harvested over a couple of months. I can not find where I read it though.
Do you know of anywhere i can find san jacinto. I’ve looked at little before and not yielded and results
TOC has San Jacinto.
CrimsonCrisp hangs on a tree for one month in zone 6b (westren PA). It starts OK, and gets better and better every week.
Why are you looking for long ripening apples? I’m switching to summer apples/apples as fast as I can because my experience with Akane (supposed to ripen in October) never ripened and they were on the trees until November. It did produce a normal size apple though, unlike the cute little William’s Pride.
I can understand if you are thinking that the apples would hang on the trees throughout the hot summer, and then ripen in the cooler fall. If this works, let me know. Meanwhile, I’m grafting over with shorter season things.
Shell (of Alabama) is one you ought to consider in Texas then. Early season & likes the climate.
Thank you very much
Thank you, I have been considering this one
Yeah, I have had that thought wondering if late ripening apples would work, weathering the blistering heat better at a smaller harder stage of development. I’m anxious to give that a try, but I’m looking for apples with a progressive harvest because I’m interested in apples that require less storage and give you a longer period of time to enjoy them. There was an apple sold in Sherman, Tx called “Tioga all summer” that is supposed to have a long harvest, but I think it has gone extinct
TOC has Tioga as well.
Sherman Texas. I have fond memories of Sherman/Dennison when dad was stationed there during Vietnam.
Unfortunately, that is the tioga from New York and not the one from sherman. I used to take my family to sherman to hunt fossilized shark teen in post oak creek there.
We lucked out. Since dad was one of the oldest, longest serving Senior Master Sergeants in USAF; he got to pick extra duties. He took charge of the Enlisted Rec camp on Lake Texhoma when they rotated back from Danang.
Many late apples have a long picking window. I picked a few GoldRush I had missed last weekend, they were awesome! That is three months after I picked the first ones. I still have some Yates hanging and I grab one every couple of weeks. Black Limbertwig is another late apple I have picked over several months.
On the early side I find Ginger Gold has a remarkably long window. It doesn’t go mealy so if you can avoid the rot they can stay on the tree a long time.
Dalinette Choupette even last more than Goldrush
Thank you all for the suggestions. I’m considering giving all of them a try, and a few of them i already have grafted. I found a southern apple on TOC called “tucker everbearing” that is supposed to be knows for this quality too