I was reading about a tree called Aprikyra that is apparently a cherry/apricot hybrid that sounds delicious. Unfortunately, it only seems to be available in Europe.
Does anyone know of any apricot/cherry hybrids available in the US? I’ve heard of pluerries but not apricot/cherries.
The Zaigers probably have a few varierities under development. They also have a plum x cherry x apricot hybrid. I saw that hybrid on Dave Wilson Nursery facebook page.
This year, I had a couple of Rainer Cherries that I pollinated with Shakar Pareh Apricot, but the winds knocked them out.
Do you have the link of the article that mentions the cherry x apricot hybrid?
True. If you visit DWN forums, a member posted pictures of his/her proprietary peach x plum hybrid, and the fruit looks exactly like a plum, except for the foliage which resembles like that of citation rootstock.
Weatherman, Vohd posted the link to the page I saw, so I don’t have any other info.
I’ve mostly shyed away from the hybrids because I just don’t like plums at all. But apricots and cherries are two of my favorite fruits, so I’d be lining up to try an apricot/cherry cross.
The only thing I was wondering is if they were already available to purchase in the USA, but I guess not.
I don’t like plums either, I prefer their hybrids.
I doubt that the Zaigers are going to release any cherry x apricot hybrids anytime soon. Thus, I’m going to start breeding my own apricot x cherry hybrids next year, and I’ll be releasing them to the members in this group.
When I release them, they are going to be on my proprietary Luna Peach x Almond clone rootstock or Luna Seedling Rootstock.
What I know, some friends of mine have experiences with this Cherrycot
Cherrycot Aprikyra is a hybride : Prunus pumila var. Besseyi x Prunus armeniaca
therefore it has no feature of Prunus Avium.
Both, in taste and appearance it appears this fruit more have characteristic of a plum, nothing special
There is an older hybrid in the USA of the same parentage named ‘Yuksa’. Apparently not very productive but useful as a rootstock or interstem according to the plant breeder Dr. Barrett.
I’m pretty sure we have w cherry/apricot hybrid thanks to the bluejays that come and eat my cherries and apricots. We had a new tree emerge a couple years back. I didn’t know what it was until last year, I ate one of the fruit. It tasted like a cross between a cherry and apricot. Processing: IMG_2903.jpeg…