Are these blueberries dead?

I have 2 nice potted bushes (years old) that in the spring I tried to check for root-bound and accidentally snapped off a big tap root. All the small dense roots near the top were ok. Slowly declined during the season until now, only a few brown leaves left on the edge.
Are these bushes dead? Or do they make miraculous recovery from the roots in the spring?
Pots and location are in hot demand, I’d rather know now then wait till the spring.

(One of the disasters in question, SunshineBlue )

Not dead yet…but, not healthy looking. You mentioned a space shortage…this one will require some tlc before bearing any fruit in a few years.

Yet, Sunshine blue does sucker, and having a good sprout pop up next spring is certainly possible.

The one on the left may be dead.Scratching a little bark away near the base of the canes should show green,if there is living

I’m not sure if it’s visible in the photo, but there are no green leaves on it at all. Just a few dead brown leaves on the left far side. I’ll try scratching it to see.
Too bad – it was my favorite plant and we got a lot of compliments on it. That’s why I was checking the roots to help it out!

Did they make it?

No! In fact, I lost two other large bushes that I also tried to check on the roots. All but one of my blueberry bushes are dead now.

Sunshine Blue is one I like to grow…blue foliage, sizable crop, medium berries ripen over a span of time, hot pink blooms, and does well in my zone 6, but also in 7 and 8. Mature size under 4 feet…good in the yard. Suckers can form a thicket, or be removed and planted elsewhere. flavor is ‘average’ as in a pretty light blue berry, but mild flavor
PowderBlue is the closest in appearance I’ve seen, but they have more acid flavor.