Saw this article and the associated video about the Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation Muscadine Breeding program. has anyone found more information on their releases? I would be excited to learn about new seedless cultivars being introduced. it sounds like this is their eventual goal. article is a year old. I emailed their public relations email address with my questions a week ago and never heard back.
I’ve seen articles on the two University of Arkansas releases as well. Seems like they’ve been talking about the release for over a year now. I have no idea what the hold up is.
I have ten muscadines. I have a spot for one more. I’m trying to be patient and hold out for a new release by UGA, Ison’s, FAMU, or University of Arkansas/Gurneys. You would think UArk would release one by now.
Looks like they released a new video about the 2 new varieties of muscadine they are releasing. by the sound of it, these should be available “soon”, but it doesn’t specify if these cultivars are for home growers or just commercial producers exclusively.
Bigmike, Try for an email directly to Margaret Lee Worthington for answer’s, she seems very responsive to fruit hort. questions.
Thanks for the info. I sent Dr. Worthington an email on 10/11 at that email address. Still no response yet. I’ll let you know if I hear something