Atago pear

Slightly earlier, say mid-october here


I have Atago this year and I am not impressed. The fruits are small and the flavor is nothing to write home about it. I may let it over fruited a bit, will report back next year

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Interesting. My first crop had large size fruit, but after that it just got worse. Thinning helped, but they are not as big as KG, whereas they’re supposed to. If I’m correct, Atago still holds the GWBR in terms of size and weight…

I bought Atago just because of that. I want to try to see how big the fruit I can grow. Although mine had a lot of flowers and set way too many fruits.

Try leaving just a few and see if that helps. They have a high tendency to overbear. I noticed the best way to thin is when pears are grape size, and don’t be greedy, take out 90%. Leave just one and keep a minimum of 10inch space between them. That’s what I’m going to do. Besides, if not thinned, they will be periodic.

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You are right, I may not have fruit next year or just one or two fruits. Not many fruit buds on the branches

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It should show it’s potential. Another problem might be the right rootstock and soil, but let’s see what you get next yer.:crossed_fingers: