I am following your thread and learning. I don’t have space to grow pumpkin at this time but it’s to know how. Pics make it easier to understand, too. Thank you.
I like the way this one looks , it is getting to the right place on the vine too. You have to bend the main vine of the pumpkin very slowly so the pumpkin has room to grow. They can break themselves off the vine when they really start getting big. The pumpkin stem naturally wants to emerge from main vine at a very acute angle. This will not work. I have placed a small stick in the ground to hold the vine where I want it and another stick to put pressure on it<img src="//growingfruit-images.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/original/3X/c/2/c2328d273bca3a40aaf1dd82916a56539d49d711.JPG" width=“690” height="920
I remember a thread like this on the old DG site - fascinating
I gave the plant a dose of miracle grow fertilizer this morning. It may need the grass clippings watered down, I would like for them to start to rot, that seems to make the plant happy.
Another five seed chamber female flower. I pollinated it with two male flowers this morning. This one is in the right spot on the main vine. I have the main vine bent almost 90 degrees now. It is really looking good. Fingers crossed.
What’s that you cut off just below the pumpkin?
That was a tendril, it grew out and grabbed onto grass and was restricting my ability to move the vine , I may have to remove that leaf stem at some point but it is shading the pumpkin right now so I will leave it for awhile
I gave it another dose of miracle grow liquid fertilizer tonight also.
That’s a monster!
Have you selected your designated pumpkin yet or still auditioning contenders?
The long pumpkin in the above thread is my pick , if it pollinated, it should start to grow rapidly if everything is right. You don’t really have to remove the other pumpkins until they are eight pounds or so. I have picked lots of pea sized off just because it is easier than waiting till they get bigger
WOW! Impressive! It’s a bit scary, isn’t it when its time to prune off the other pumpkins? Like putting all your eggs in one basket…
Yes , every egg in one basket. But really it is strictly for fun so I try not to take it to seriously
Here is the “pumpkin”, I really like this one… the behemoth has gotten so big it has pulled its stem down to rest its weight on the ground.Uploading… Uploading…
I’m really enjoying your thread and just so you know it’s helping me out greatly. I have several “big” pumpkin vines started but they are a few weeks behind yours. Being behind has allowed me to watch what you are doing and then apply it my own plants.
Keep posting and keep up the great work! This is an awesome thread.
I am glade you are enjoying it , i hope you get a nice big pumpkin.
The pumpkin and the vine are still not at the ideal angle , I think tonight or tomorrow night I may try to move the pumpkin very slightly to the right, I want it to be at the end of a hot day so the stem is more flexible. Hope I don’t break it off
It’s been cloudy all day here so I will not attempt to move the pumpkin tonight