Aussie finger lime

forgot to ask, is the orange-red hedychium as fragrant as the white ones?

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Yes i grow several pomelo varieties…

Regarding hedychiums they are all fragrant… i love them!

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This will be my next one…

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Great photo album…

Finger Lime Philippines - Fotos | Facebook

Finger Lime Lovers - Página inicial | Facebook

Microcitrus papuana - YouTube

Faustrimedin - YouTube

At the risk of sounding stupid here… I have a few questions regarding finger limes? I have two in my house, both approximately 3’ tall, 1/2" thick main wood. How long does it take these to flower in terms of age, when do they typically flower (or in PA what time of year can I expect flowering)? I have a 1000 W grow light, I typically do a 12 hour light cycle on them. Should I change the light cycle to less or more to induce flowering? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks and Happy New Year everyone!

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i will probably be the one sounding stupid, if not sophomoric since have the gall to give you advice considering that my finger lime has not grown much since obtained it 5 years ago. It is still ~8" tall whereas yours are 3’ tall.
it only produced one or two fruits each year, and none this year, so i guess it is deteriorating in vegas conditions lol
i think yours might need more intense light, since i have plenty here in the desert. Despite the extreme lack of humidity mine still produced fruits, so perhaps that might be the limiting factor not provided by the growing conditions in PA. From your accounts, it seems to be a more intense exposure to sun that your fingerlimes need.
should add that mine was self-rooted so i presume onegreenworld sent me a cutting from a mature tree.

finger limes can be grown from seed, but as with most citrus-- they will have to pass through a juvenile phase, which is usually more than 7 years, depending on species. If yours was seed-grown, it may even take longer since you indicated you’re growing them indoors.
if your specimens are mature clones, and merely needing right conditions to bloom, i would predict that if you provide them the right conditions they should be be blooming around june or july. Keep us posted!


Thank you for the suggestions! The two I have are grafted cuttings, but are only three years old, so it may just be a maturity issue (First year they didn’t have a grow light either). I don’t think its the light intensity, I could easily burn the tops right off them with that LED (It’s so freaking gnarly, I had to buy LED glasses to work in that grow room :D) . I’m glad to know the timing should be around June or July, that’ll help me pinpoint when to target certain fertilizers. They may also need moved up from their 10 gallon pots, the citrus ferts I gave them really overachieved.

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Mine was almost 5 feet tall before it started flowering. It trunk was easily 3/4ths of an inch when it started fruiting for me.

I believe it bloomed for 2 years before I got fruit from it.

I’m hoping to get it back to its former glory in the next couple years. (I lost 3+ feet on it due to neglect as we were forced to move from the house for 3 months due to a plumbing/insurance issue).

I’m in Michigan, btw. Flowering occurred for me in early summer with fruit ripening in August.



I just got one Citrus wintersii (Microcitrus Papuana) and one Wild White Finger Lime… two rarities!


@Luisport Dude, please tell me the sellers info. Some website or fb link would be nice. Im from India and planning to buy some australian finger limes. My guess is if they ship to Europe, I could very well get it here.


PM sent

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I just got another rarity, one Variegated finger lime Red Champagne… :grin:



that is so cool @Luisport


Thank’s! Yes very cool! Lets see how the fruit will be… :+1:

variegated calamondins also have variegated fruits, so quite curious how the fruits of your varieg finger lime will be


I never saw it on web, so i’m very curious. This variety Red Champagne is great, but the variegated one i don’t know…

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this is what a variegated calamondin looks like, though quite likely you already have this too.


Hi! No I don’t have it, I can’t have everything… Lol
But I have variegated dekopon and eureka lemon trees. :grin:

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