Backyard Orchards, chronicling, musing and more

i think the family of skunks living under my shed has deterred other animals from coming here. she has 4 kits that are near full grown right now. we bump into each other occasionally. i leave her alone and she leaves me alone.

I doubt it deterrs birds?

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Of all the rodents plus bunnies, I agree that groundhogs are very cute, esp. when they sit on the two hind legs looking at you like “what you gonna do, loser!!!” Of course, with our fruit in their hands/front legs.

If you can put a fence in, you should do it. Make sure you reinforce at a ground level against chipmunks, another very cute but destructive animal.


We have skunks roaming here. We never get rid of them. They don’t deter anything as far as I can tell. We have all kind animals here.

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yep. the crows dont care.

Like i said before when im battling animals the idea is not to get rid of them unless i have no choice. If you use an electric fence on a specific animal they learn not to steal from you. The racoons, ground hogs etc. dont mess with me typically. The deer randomly mess with me. The voles always mess with me and those have to be killed i dont have a choice. Animals are different everywhere.

Today one hawk came to my California room and killed a small bird, while the small squirrel was swinging nearby, I’m not sure what to make of this event either. But after he was done he was looking around, but why did he not see the squirrel. This type of hawks has caught small mice in my garden before.

I think birds are jealous of the attention raccoons, opossums, squirrels, chipmunks, even skunks, in my yard have gotten, they made sure I know they can cause damage, too,

Lots of green apples, peaches and pears were damaged early on. A drought exasperated the problem.


Sorry to see that its the same here everything is a fight this year.

The only time I got very upset when animals stripped everything on the trees. I am not too upset if only some fruit were taken. This year is a bad year.

By the way, my Harrow Delight ripened this week.


When I tilted the fruit, they came off easily. Despite a drought, some fruit sized up well. I only have a graft, not a tree. I will chill them for a week.


@mamuang, what variety of plum is pictured here? They look very much like the Burbank Japanese plum that I grow, but I rarely see those elsewhere.


Those pears look very good i did not even take pictures. Ate some off the tree last week. Fireblight has not been a problemwith them but its been a problem with many others.

@alan said it was Reema but I can’t find any info about Reema anywhere.

Can you describe the taste and texture of your Burbank plum?

I say it’s probably Reema but Burbank does look similar, although it’s a larger plum. It’s still popular at all purpose nurseries and often sold with Santa Rosa. Burbank is medium sized and Reema is small. Reema is sweeter by quite a noticeable bit and what you report on brix is evidence it is Reema.

I have not received any Burbank, not intentionally from anyone. If it was given to me, it was by mistake.

@jerry the only reason I don’t think it is Burbank is the ripening time. Yours ripened a week or two ago. Mine ripened now, two weeks later than you. You are in zone 10, Inam in zone 6. Our ripening time should be a month apart at least, IMHO.

Sweet (except at the skin) and a bit apricot-like. They’re quite soft and very juicy when fully ripe. Some folks prefer to pick them a bit early, when they’re firmer.

The same as I can describe. Sweet flesh but sour skin and the area next to the pit. Soft, juicy.

Only the ripening time that way too close for fruit in your and my zone. Fruit ripen early this year due to a drought.

My “Magness” pear dropped yesterday. I checked a few websites, the pictures were rather large pear with red blush. Look like, the same picture was copied by several nurseries.

I read Dave Wilson’s description. It says a medium sized, short necked, greenish/yellow skin and little russeted pear . That seems to fit my pear except mine ripened earlier than DW states.

I wonder what pear do I have?

Anyone with the real Magness pear, could you please post the pic of your Magness?

@clarkinks , @rayrose , @Fusion_power , et all.


Thats looks like magness @mamuang . There are none left on the tree this year. Normally magness ripens at the same time as warren. Im not sure where my photos are on this website but they are here. Magness looks identical to warren so much so you cant tell them apart in any way. Is it worth it to grow the Warren pear - #143 by clarkinks

You can call this warren magness if you like but noone can tell the difference. I still have warren on the tree let me know if you need photos. Sometimes warren is 2 or 3 weeks later but not always.


When your Magness ripen, Clark?

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