Thanks. I don’t generally keep alcohol in the house so I’d need to make arrangement if I planned to do that regularly. I do keep CO2. And I’m trying to get rid of astringency while maintaining firmness.
I wonder what would happen with CO2 and vodka
Thanks. I don’t generally keep alcohol in the house so I’d need to make arrangement if I planned to do that regularly. I do keep CO2. And I’m trying to get rid of astringency while maintaining firmness.
I wonder what would happen with CO2 and vodka
Besides using CO2 for fruit, what else do you use it for? I don’t know many people who keep it at home.
The vodka trial I did a couple of years ago did not work. It probably because I did not seal the container tightly. This time I think the plastic container I use has very tight lid. I remember Jose sealed the lid of his container with packing tape.
You could be the first one trying CO2 and vodka and let us know. We don’t drink. All alcohol (wine, rum, vodka, etc) we have were gifts from friends or acquaintances who do not know we don’t drink. Usually, we give them to friends who drink.
Just want to chronicle my fruit trees for 2024 growing season. No late frost this year which is good news.
When fruit trees are in blooms, they are as pretty as any ornamental flowering trees.
First in line apricots
Then Japanese plums.
Yayyyy apricots!
Yes!! No late frost so my small Tomcot set fruit. I have a stick of OrangeRed and Illona blooming at the same time but I don’t think they helped much re. Pollination.
Tomcot is partial self fertile. I believe that. Fruit set at different time and vary in sizes.
i have brookcot grafted on my black ice plum so it may set some fruit because the plum set 6 last season. not sure if its self fertile. also have Canadian plum grafted for a pollinator.
I admire your tenacity for growing fruit in zone 4. Hope your apricots will be fruitful. Even in my 6a, apricots are hit and miss.
The small ones will probably drop. But the big ones will be excellent!
I have an eclectic mix of fruit trees, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. This way. Late freeze may not kill everything esp. trees at wake up late like jujujbes.
I have two pawpaw trees. 99% of people visiting my yard have never heard or know what pawpaws are.
Were you the one sent me pawpaw pollen several years ago. At the time, only Shenandoah was flowering. I got because of your help. Thank you.
I have hand poliinated my pawpaws since then until this that I don’t.
This year, I have Shenandoah, Sunflower and Mango blooming at the same time. I hope small flying insects help with cross pollination. I intentionally do not hand pollinate them just to see if any will set fruit.
I also have Wabash setting flowers but it appears to bloom a bit later. Imay haveto collection from other varieties to cross pollinate Wabash.
It’s possible,that some pollen was sent and to a few other people too.Hand pollination seems a little tricky,all about timing the stigma,to be in the right condition,kind of sticky.
I have about a 5-6 foot metal rod,with a hook bend on one end,for holding a wind chime or birdhouse.It could be used to hang a mesh bag of eggs or meat to attract flies,but it may irritate my neighbors.
My trees are short so I can stand on the ground and hand pollinate it but, sometimes, I did it too harsh (I’m not known for being gentle) the little potential fruitlets fell off .
I sure hope those little flying insects do their jobs but we get rain rather often. I will know in a few weeks if I have any fruit set.
Apple is the last fruit tree among common fruit to bloom here. I have found quite a few red flesh apples blooming this year.
@mrsg47 - I may get Mott’s Pink this year. Scionwood from you years ago (need to regrafted so fruiting has been very delayed).
I could not get Mott’s Pink’s flowers but these are Pink Pearl.
@HighandDry - I am excited to see Orleans Reinette’s flowers, only two clusters. Not sure if there will be fruit set.
If it doesn’t set fruit, and maybe even if it does, you may be in line for a small box of OR this fall. Although my tree set a large crop last year, it appears ready to set another this year. There’s still time for this notoriously biennial variety to drop most of the apparently pollinated fruit or to crack and cork, as sometimes happens to OR here, but if it’s a winning crop, you will swoon at the high flavor it develops in my orchard.
I should have grafted it at the larger limb. I regret that.
I like most russeted apples. I take your word that OR tastes fabulous and will make sure I sit down when I eat it in case I swoon
Thank you again for the scionwood.
The Mott Pink flowers are almost fuchsia. They are so pretty. Good luck. My apples are always last., I have only a few pollinated apples this year. Many flowers but few apples! I think my Reine des Reinettes is biennial now.
I could not remember how pink Mott’s pink flowers were. I have several red fleshed apples grafted on that same tree. Also, there is a good chance that I could mixed up their labels.
I just bought new tag materials to make labels.
Thanks, @SMC_zone6 for his recommendation.
Here’s a photo from this spring of Mott’s Pink, all 3 of my trees are blooming this year, I have them on M.111 ( @mrsg47 ):