To consolidate discussion of bagging entire trees, experiences/results, etc.
I first attempted to bag some entire trees last year. This is my second year at this and I am no expert.
Here is a little bit of my final review for my 2020 cherry bagging project on Juliet cherries.
Bottom line… I feel like I had huge success. We had a couple days of solid rain right when I had originally planned to harvest and that resulted in some splitting and a little subsequent rot, but I lost probably only a couple dozen to fungus total. The splitting affected maybe 10% of the crop and it was no real loss because I just used them in jam.
Example of rot
General fruit quality was very high.
I think Juliet is a real winner in my area and could be grown organically with netting. The late rain and the associated splitting/rot was my only issue really and as fruit problems go was minimal.
I just want to add to make this somewhat more scientific that almost adjacent to these Juliet cherries were some larger Carmine Jewel bushes that I did not bag but did treat a couple times with Bonide Plant Guard:
I got good results from the Carmine Jewels but had a lot more PC issues despite the sprays. It isn’t fun when you are cooking your jam and worms float up to the top… (generally I can spot infested fruit but apparently not always…)
Next year I plan to go 100% bags.