Bagging fruits on the tree, for insect and disease protection

They must have.

Thank you for posting this link, Mamuang!

You are welcome. I will order 400 more this year.

Bagging 2019
This is my latest ziploc design with a few comments. I think the vent holes help prevent unwanted moisture buildup. These holes are drilled instead of punched. I drilled 200 bags in about ten minutes. Removing only part of the top allows for easy opening of the bag but still allows a clear view for installing the bag. I have only bagged pears as of now. About 90% was Korean Giant and Harrow Sweet. Total of about 300 bagged pears and about 100 remaining. Apples are blooming so I need to get ready for the next round. I would also like to mention how much comfort it is to spray on surround until the fruit sizes up for bagging.


Love your new design esp, the partially cut tops.

With my bags, I cut the two bottom corners far larger than you did. I am somewhat reluctant to bag pears. Some of my Korean Giant in bags got sunburn ( the ones that got really good sun). Harrow Sweet in bags often caused skin to become russeted.

Surprisingly, no such issues with my bagged apples.

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Iā€™m not sure what effect the bags will have on my pears as they get close to ripening. Iā€™m hoping that the extra vent holes will help. Thinking about removing some bags before ripening for comparison.


Although your area is warmer than mine, your bags have a lot more ventilation than a typical ziplock plastic bags. I think your pears will be all right.

In my area, by the end of July, my pears wonā€™t be bothered by bugs. When they are close to ripen, the enemies change to squirrels, groundhogs, raccoons, etc.

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Something gets my pears in July/August, makes a pinprick near the blossom end that turns black on the skin and rots on the inside.

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Are you sure the damage was not done by coddling moths earlier m but the danage sign showed up later?

Iā€™ve generally thought they were late codling moths

Here are some of the bags I have tried besides Clemson and different incarnations of ziplock.
Currently this season I am using the two at the bottom picture, nylon coarse mesh and fabric with red wire. I took care of some 28 squirrels however.B1

M1 B3


Where did you get the bags with red wire?
What do they call?
Is it easy to apply?

I use Clemson bags on some peaches and nectarines this year. I get better at applying them but still not as easy as shown on a video!!!


Wow you are one fantastic fruit Warrior!!!

@mamuang Search ā€˜fruit protection bagsā€™ on ebay
the ones with the red coated wire wrapper above are ā€˜non woven fabricā€™


Put these bags on my peaches this year. Weā€™ll see how well they work. My expectations are pretty high in the durability department.


Upon returning from a weekā€™s a couple days ago, they got my peaches. I bagged 8, using the organza bag method. I found 4 intact empty bags throughout the lawn. That kind of makes me believe it was a combination of deer and squirrels. As I donā€™t think deer can remove the bags from the peaches. I need to start implementing a more aggressive strategy. Perhaps something similar to what you mentioned in your post.

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Hoosierquilt has left the forum for over two years ago.

Re. Organza bags for peaches. They are not working against bugs or squirrels. The one type of bags that seems to work against squirrels is made of window screen mesh.

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Thank you for the update. I will look into the screen method that you mentioned. I find the squirrels easier to deal with because I can trap them. The deer on the other hand require a more aggressive approach. They continue to eat the leaves on my peach and fig trees, and they also destroyed all of my blossoms on the ornamental growth in the front yard. Perhaps some fencing and Irish Spring will do the trick next year. The flowers will definitely receive a soaking in some type of spray before and after they bloom.

Irish soap pieces or Bounce dryer sheets are ā€œsaidā€ to be helpful. I tried them all. I donā€™t know if they worked but it was a amusement time for my neighbors seeing Bounce sheets and oieces of soap hanging on my trees. They have questioned my sanity sine :smile:

It could be that these items smell strongly and could deter deer ( for a while). However, your deer already know what taste good in your yard. It will be difficult to deter them after the fact.

Mesh pouches were posted in this forum. Just use the search function to check it out.

Iā€™m determined to taste tree ripe peaches this year. I got 7 Contenders growing. I have them wrapped in chicken wire. This is going to be the year!
If I canā€™t protect 7 peaches then I might as well give up now. Because that means I canā€™t protect a tree full of them.