Bare root jujube- never leafed out

All 4 of my bare root jujubes (2 SC, 1 HJ, 1 Contorted) leafed out ok, SC was planted last in early May and leafed out after about 3 weeks in the ground. The only unsuccessful bare root planted this season was a Satsuma plum from Willard, which promptly credit my account for future purchase. I bought 2 plum varieties from them for cross pollination but probably will just graft other varieties onto the surviving santa rosa.


Thats awesome that all 4 are doing well! Where did you get the jujube from? I will probably try grafting onto the SC but its good to know reliable sources.

Had a santa rosa, amazing flavor. But the curculio and rot got it sadly


I got a SC and Contorted from StarkBros, another SC from Womack, and the HJ from Raintree. The ones from StarkBro were $36 each, Womack was $86 and Raintree was $80 (costs included shipping)


I ordered a SC and Contorted from Stark Bros as well. Potted in April in Massachusetts and the SC has just had small leaves appear. I’ve been watching the Contorted and checked the rootstock and graft were green. As of this week, it is finally pushing buds. I wouldn’t give up as the OP yet.

On another note, they were delivered with the roots barely in contact with anything to hold moisture when they arrived. I topped them to have wood to graft in case it was needed but happily it was not.

A HJ from Four Winds that arrived a week earlier had leafed out a month ago.


here in vegas where temps warm up relatively quickly, we had laggard bare root jujus from various nurseries which waited until mid june when daytime temps were already 100F+

if yours don’t leaf out, or if it leafs out then dies(usually due to severely pruned roots), and if you want a tree right now, you might want to start another thread with a heading : “request for jujube-- purchase or trade”. I know of a member here who has a jujube nursery but not sure if she is currently selling.
anyway, many here know exactly how you feel right now, but taking into account jujus can leaf out much later than persian muberries and 'simmons, still optimistic yours might just be having a long nap :slight_smile:


forgot say, we don’t sell jujubes, but just have this urge to give them away(as self-rooted specimens) every thanksgiving. Postage included :seedling:
a good number of the cultivars we acquired we got for free, so we’d like to pay it forward


I have a sugarcane I got from stark bros in March that just woke up today 6/13, so don’t give up hope yet. Like others have said jujubes sometimes take a long time to break dormancy.


I do not consider myself expert in anything gardening yet, but my limited experience leads me to echo not giving up on a jujube just yet. They tend to be slow anyway, but especially from bare root. If you are going to pot it to start, I would encourage some partial shade and maybe shortening it significantly to give the roots less to try to feed before it has leaves to return the favor.


My Sugarcane only sprouted about a week ago. Went in bareroot. I was wondering if it was alive. The Li I snapped the graft on (it was 12" tall and got stepped on) started growing from the rootstock at the same time.


I bought 3 tiny jujube trees from OGW, all three leafed out when I left, Empress Gee had tiny flower buds. I did give these trees a lot of my own compost.


Thank you all!! My honey jar has leafed out :slight_smile: :slight_smile: made my day when i saw the tiny leaves… it leafed out in 1st week of July, it got really hot, humid here in Richmond VA. I appreciate all the feedback and the nursery recommendations


Glad to hear your Jujube finally woke up and got comfortable!

I’m growing ‘Empress Gee’ Jujube way up here in Western Washington and the central leader hadnt leafed out until about a week ago. I thought it was dead but it kept passing the scratch test. The new seasons growth started growing a while ago and just surpassed the central leader in size right as the dormant wood was waking up so I’d say Jujube is one that you need to be extra patient with considering about half my tree woke up on time and the other half just now decided to. I was very close to chopping the central leader back even with the cambium showing after scratching and I’m glad I left it alone.



This is the 1st time growing Jujube and I was certain that it was a goner. The only hope I had was that the central stem looked fresh and green. It all ended well :slight_smile:


I’m not sure but I think my bare rooted sugarcane planted in Feb may bear some fruit its first season. I think I see some fruitlets on a few of the branches.


How exciting! that is pretty neat. I see some buds in mine, will wait and see.

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My honey jar from Rain Tree leafed out 3 weeks after planting in early May but then kinda stopped growing. It still have very little leaves and never had the same grow spurt as my sugar canes. The leaves edges are brown and don’t look well. I’m watering it the same as all my other trees and they’re doing well. Does the symptom looks like overwatering? or underfertilized?


Do you have any compost, give it some compost or mulch.


I put a 3" layer of mulch around it when it was planted, and then added some more mowed grass on top later over time, similar with all the other bare root trees I planted around the same time. The sugar cane from Womack Nursery in the picture got the same treatment and is doing well.


It’s not what you did, each tree behaves differently. I think I would try to save HJ. My ShangXi Li had similar problem and I’ve been putting mulch on it and water more frequently, now it seems to take off. I did the same with HJ and the leaves turning more green. I also gave all of my jujube trees a lot of compost last year, but who knows why only ShangXi Li had that problem. I remember asking about this problem in the other thread.