Bare root jujube- never leafed out

I got 2 bare roots from Edible Landscaping(VA) in mid Jan '23. They were planted the same day after an hour long soak. Mulched to protect from temp variations. Sugarcane leafed out in time, but honey jar never did.
I got another bare root(asian pear) from Gurneys, that leafed out and is fine. I plant bare roots all the time especially roses. I know some just never leaf out.

I reached out to Edible landscaping, and their response was very disappointing. They basically stated, all of theirs survived and dont know why mine did not live- no refund or credit.

Has anyone had a bare root fruit tree not come to life?


Pretty sure just about everyone here can answer yes to that. I only buy bare root for things I cant find potted anywhere.

Surprising response from EL though.


The only mistake I made was planting it in the ground, maybe should have put it in a pot first. I actually got 3 bare roots that day, 2 honey jars and one sugarcane. One honeyjar went to my friend, and that leafed out…we planted them in the ground at the same time. Dont know what went wrong with mine, yes but very surprised with how EL responded. I have gotten good plants from them before, but first time getting bare roots from them.

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Did you do a scratch test? Jujubes sometimes take a long time to wake up after planting.


Not an error. But some deciduous fruit species will fail if the exterior of the bare roots dry out prior to planting. For these species rehydration will not help. All my bareroot plantings have survived except some of those.


Thank you!! There might still be hope for it. Just went and did a scratch test, closest to the ground and higher up on tree, it is still green


It is possible. I went to EL to pick the bare root up. They had all the bare root in a greenhouse with lots of moist potting soil on top. They also wrapped it up pretty good so it wouldny dry on the way back(2hrs of traveltime), and i for good measure saoked it for an hour and then planted it. I was told very hard to kill jujube, as it can withstand temp extremes. We had a mild winter. I kept checking the soil for about a month but with the mulch and rainfall we’ve had, soil never dried.


Check the graft appearance and also scratch below the graft.

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Graft looks good, and scratch test undwr and above graft shows green stem. Should i have buried the graft? We dont get very cold here. EL thinks the ground freeze might have killed the root but the ground dis not freeze as it was a mild winter and that area is well mulched sonhas good insulation


I had one that didn’t leaf out this year, a sugarcane. it was from peaceful valley farm, two trees they sent didn’t wake up. a harrow delight pear from burnt ridge also never woke. I planted 10 trees this year, the rest are all fine and thriving

burnt ridge walked me through several attempts to wake the pear and then attached a note to refund me or replace next shipping season. they were really helpful. peaceful valley had me do several scratch tests but their refund/replace policy ends on June 15 so I did not have the time to wait and see- they want you to uproot the tree and send photos of the entire thing before they’ll do anything, so I’ve done that.

burnt ridge didn’t require that but did want me to try a few things before giving up. they also didn’t want me to necessarily uproot the tree, just to send scratch test photos. on that tree the rootstock scratches brown but the trunk, green. I think the roots fried and it was coasting on stored energy. the PVF trees scratched green for a while, the lower on the tree the more green, the branches and top brown.

my theory is that the pear, which was the largest item in the package, dried out at the roots in shipping. the other two trees were the only trees in that box and so again I think the roots died in shipping. both companies were very good about helping but peaceful valley doesn’t refund or cover shipping for the replacement, I’ll likely take only a refund from them. burnt ridge covers all, so I’ll be buying more trees there in fall to fill the gaps.

pear from BR. root scratches as if dead

mulberry and jujube from peaceful valley that didn’t leaf out. uprooted. you can see the scratch at the root stock shows that part is dead, and the mulberry scratched white all the way up the trunk. if they had a more forgiving policy I might have given the jujube more time to try.

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Thank you! Edible landscaping does not want to give a refund. Their excuse was since they didnt loose a single bare root, I did something wrong. This was before even looking at the tree to determine cause of death. They finally agreed to do a partial refund. I was told to dig out the tree and send pictures of it. I wont be getting more plants from them. I will dig it out, take pictures and plant in a pot, aee if that helps- I have doubts but will give it a try.


onegreenworld had a very similar response to me and also have a time limit for refunds, I had an apple tree from them that never woke up. I like to buy from places that are good about it when things go wrong. things don’t often go wrong, but it’s nice to know a place will care when it does.

two years ago I think was the last time I had any problems with trees I’d bought, this year I planted ten that were fine, these ones that weren’t, and there were also two from last year that never woke up. stark bros were the best about helping, troubleshooting and then right away offering refund, but I just wanted a replacement (which is now in the ground and in full leaf). ogw did nothing to help, much like the place you bought from.

I would buy smaller or potted items from peaceful valley again but not anything that needs shipping costs like a bare root, I’ll probably stay away from ogw, and now edible landscaping if they don’t handle failures well


All 4 of my bare root jujubes (2 SC, 1 HJ, 1 Contorted) leafed out ok, SC was planted last in early May and leafed out after about 3 weeks in the ground. The only unsuccessful bare root planted this season was a Satsuma plum from Willard, which promptly credit my account for future purchase. I bought 2 plum varieties from them for cross pollination but probably will just graft other varieties onto the surviving santa rosa.


Thats awesome that all 4 are doing well! Where did you get the jujube from? I will probably try grafting onto the SC but its good to know reliable sources.

Had a santa rosa, amazing flavor. But the curculio and rot got it sadly


I got a SC and Contorted from StarkBros, another SC from Womack, and the HJ from Raintree. The ones from StarkBro were $36 each, Womack was $86 and Raintree was $80 (costs included shipping)


I ordered a SC and Contorted from Stark Bros as well. Potted in April in Massachusetts and the SC has just had small leaves appear. I’ve been watching the Contorted and checked the rootstock and graft were green. As of this week, it is finally pushing buds. I wouldn’t give up as the OP yet.

On another note, they were delivered with the roots barely in contact with anything to hold moisture when they arrived. I topped them to have wood to graft in case it was needed but happily it was not.

A HJ from Four Winds that arrived a week earlier had leafed out a month ago.


here in vegas where temps warm up relatively quickly, we had laggard bare root jujus from various nurseries which waited until mid june when daytime temps were already 100F+

if yours don’t leaf out, or if it leafs out then dies(usually due to severely pruned roots), and if you want a tree right now, you might want to start another thread with a heading : “request for jujube-- purchase or trade”. I know of a member here who has a jujube nursery but not sure if she is currently selling.
anyway, many here know exactly how you feel right now, but taking into account jujus can leaf out much later than persian muberries and 'simmons, still optimistic yours might just be having a long nap :slight_smile:


forgot say, we don’t sell jujubes, but just have this urge to give them away(as self-rooted specimens) every thanksgiving. Postage included :seedling:
a good number of the cultivars we acquired we got for free, so we’d like to pay it forward


I have a sugarcane I got from stark bros in March that just woke up today 6/13, so don’t give up hope yet. Like others have said jujubes sometimes take a long time to break dormancy.


I do not consider myself expert in anything gardening yet, but my limited experience leads me to echo not giving up on a jujube just yet. They tend to be slow anyway, but especially from bare root. If you are going to pot it to start, I would encourage some partial shade and maybe shortening it significantly to give the roots less to try to feed before it has leaves to return the favor.