Basket willow

Harvested some willow shoots for a friends basket making workshop from stools and living structures around my place. Around 10 years ago I stuck a few cuttings in the ground…


Lovely!! I’m hoping to find room for a few willow coppices to harvest rods. I mainly have decorations and garden projects in mind but maybe I’ll have to look into basketry.

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Let’s see some baskets once made Jesse!


This is so cool! Thanks for your post. Great pictures! I can’t find willow to make baskets from, and the bread-making baskets you can buy these days aren’t even made from willow any more!

Any hints on locating some rods or scions?

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You can get Green Dicks and Polish Red from SkillCult. I think they would grow in your area, I am not sure about others. You would have to try out varieties, they do like water, and I am not sure you have that. We are on the edge of being too warm, but we have water. Even the Irish basketmakers plant near-ish to streams and in low places. Otherwise, Vermont Willow has many varieties, basketmakers such as Dunbar Gardens sell a few they use. Double A Vineyards has 4 or 5 hybrids for biomass, which can be cut yearly for baskets, some are rougher. There are other sellers, but those are the ones I have on my list. I got a few random types, for fences and basket.


Vermont Willow Nursery has a big selection.


I can set you up with some stakes, rods or whips

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I know my grandpa planted willow simply by shoving a stick in soggy soil. How small of a stick, whip, or scion can you root? I have a very thin drooping branch of a corkscrew willow in water right now. Just wondering if there’s any hope.

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It doesn’t take much…willow wants to root and grow

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Thanks for your reply! After thinking about it more I decided that for my purposes planting basket willow would be overkill — especially since we get a lot of drought here.

@JesseinMaine I planted about 8 varieties of basket willow about 9 years ago and haven’t been paying attention to them. I am planning on coppicing them soon. My purpose for planting them was because I wanted to learn how to weave baskets. Are you a weaver?

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