Be I Gravenstein?

Hi all! First timer here with huge fruit aspirations but little real experience - hoping for some YAs or NAYs or other identification advice as I try to narrow down the identification of a mystery apple tree I inherited. 2018 has been its first big year and I have plenty of samples to study.

I believe it’ is nearly ripe at end of july/early august which is probably the biggest clue.
Other “clues”: falls off tree easily (even before ripeness), browns quickly, small amount of russet around stem
Flavor (near ripe): nicely tart, good amount of juice, medium crunchiness. Made a nice little pie

Thanks for any help! Any Gravensteiners out there???


Are the Japanese beetles making lace of the tree? That’s what distinguishes my Red Gravenstein from my other varieties.

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The bottom left one looks like my Gravenstein. Mines not red Gravenstein. It’s the finest apple, especially for an early one.


Havent had many pest issues yet! Hope the JBs never show up on my property

Thanks! Looks like there a couple different varieties of Gravensteins so maybe I’ve got a red one?? So far I like them pretty well. I don’t think they are at peak ripeness yet, maybe another week if they stay on the darn tree…

This ^

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My Gravensteins fall early mostly because of its very short stem. If I don’t prune to only one Apple in a cluster they will just push each other off when growing. I wish they had longer stems.

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Probably Red Gravenstein.

“Red Gravenstein is a sport of Gravenstein. As its name suggests, it is redder in color, and a little less tart. It was first cited in 1873.”

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this could fit my mystery tree here. have had loads fall before they’re ripe and I definitely didn’t thin like I should’ve (tree is a neglected 20 foot spindly monster)