Bentley Sweet

Anyone here have or know where I can purchase a bentley sweet apple tree? Thanks in advance.

@derekamills lists it as a recent graft in his collection. He might have a limited amount of scionwood available for sale next season, if you haven’t already found it elsewhere.

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Thank you for the reply. At this point scions would be great to. Didnt think it would be so elusive. Had one ordered but I guess the deer ate it before he could ship it.

Probably too late now but FYI for next year. They sell scions.


I had thought to order from BHC this year…but got side tracked with more than I can suitably take care of without them. Husk Sweet would have been my top item…but I am curious about several, including Bentley’s Sweet.

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Great story about it’s discovery at BHC…

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