What are your opinions of the best flavored pears and apples that you grow or have eaten? Don’t hold back on precocious, disease resistance, etc. I’m curious if throwing caution to the wind if names such as Forelle, comice, Kidds Orange Red and Rubinette come up
Forelle is my favorite euro pear that I’ve tasted. We had a 3 week stretch this past year where Forelle was available in my local stores and it knocked my socks off. My daughter adn I mowed through several bags of them. Granted, I can’t say I’ve samples a lot of Euro’s but I’ve eaten red and green Bartlett, Red and Green Anjou, Bosc, and Seckle. The Forelle has been better than all of those. Red Anjou being second.
Green Anjou is my favorite from the store. It just melts to juice in my mouth and to my taste is sweeter than any other pear I have tried. The red Anjou is good to but not as sweet to me.
I’m partial to Flemish Beauty. Gold Spice is good off the tree if you like firm pears and are OK with some grit cells. White Doyenne and Dana’s Hovey are supposed to be good but I haven’t had enough yet to say. A good Seckel is good indeed. My Bosc branch isn’t productive yet but they have a great following and I’m excited to try mine- this coming season, I hope!
Is Flemish beauty sweet to you?
Red Anjou is good pear to me. It is fireblight prone or I would be growing it.
Yes, and melting, good flavor. It’s the pear that got me started growing pears.
Should have mentioned that my Anjous are pretty good here too, but I don’t get a lot of them yet.
Those are great pears what are you guys growing for apples? I’m starting to think pears are not just popular with me :0)
I like Pink Lady so well I’m growing it even though I know it is not disease resistant. Arkansas Black and Johnagold are also excellent tasting apples.
I just added jonagold, and goldrush. A friend traded me for those and an enterprise the other day. He grows about any apple we can imagine. I’ve grown honey crisp since it first came out and never had Fireblight strikes on it.
I will be adding Goldrush scions this spring. I have heard great things about this apple and I’m sure it will be at the top of my list when I finally get to taste one. Never seen one for sale in our stores. I have about three limbs of honeycrisp growing but they have not fruited yet. Glad to here it has not been prone to fireblight.
My jonagold is great tasting right after being picked but the shelf life is short for the best quality.
I really enjoyed the York apples a got at the farmers market. I favor it over other sharp apples for eating out of hand.
Auburn ,
Prarie spy is a good flavored cooking apple as is the haralson for those that like that slightly tart apple like I do. Then again I like jonathan a lot and my family looks horrified when I eat one fresh. The only apples they really like fresh are honeycrisp , gala, pink lady, and Fuji and I do see their point. Red delicious grown locally is also really very good but nothing like what comes from the store.
Clapps favorite and drippin honey pears are the best I have had. We don’t get forrell or comice in the stores here. I suspect if we want to try them we will have to grow them.
Did you ever figure out what that big delicious apple you grow is? That sack you sent me home last year was very good!
My favorite apple was Reinette Simirenko back in Russia. I could eat the whole bag of them in one day. When we came in USA I often bought Granny Smith apples hoping to find the same taste because they look so much alike. But store bought Granny Smith is just a sore apple, even Antonovka is a way better tasting. I have seen Simirenko scions for sale, so this is what I wand to graft this spring.
Was not familiar with this apple but I do see it on Mother Apple Scionwood - Fedco Trees . Is that were you will be ordering it from? Sounds delicious!
Forelle, Seckel, and Taylor’s Gold which is a fully russeted and gorgeous sport of Comice.
Apples, Golden Russet, Rubinette, and a bunch of club apples.
I concur with most of the above- although I’m not familiar with all of them. Never have had a real Jonathon, although I’ve heard good things about it. Love Jonagold (they’re often available here right into spring, so I suppose with CA storage they keep better), the MacIntosh types (Macoun, Liberty, and Snow), Karmijn de Sonneville, Jazz, Winesaps,) Haralson, Prairie Spy at least some years. Pink Lady is OK, not great to me, as bought in stores; same with Cameos, Galas. I need to try Opal, Aurora, Kanzai … there’s too many! Also interested in the russets, particularly Pome Gris, but the graft failed on my tree.
Don’t care for the Granny Smiths, Golden or Red Delicious, or Romes as sold in stores. My own Yellow Delicious are purty good but too subacid for my tastes.