Have you tried Frost Peach? I really love my Frost Peach tree. Supposedly they are one of the more hardy peach trees on the market.
If you really like your Frost peach then you’ll most likely REALLY like a lot of others.
Oh boy! Now I gotta convince my wife to let me get more peach trees haha
Ha, Ha! Go for it!
Whats that old saying about how its always better to beg for forgiveness…
My orchard and nursery is about 40 miles north of NY City. I grow many varieties of peaches and nectarines. On my own not especially favorable site I may only get nectarines from varieties suitable for the East 2 out or 3 years, but most peach varieties rarely fail to produce, including ones with relatively fragile flowers, such as Loring and her sports.
If you’re able to grow Frost peach without getting Peach Leaf Curl, you’re in a great growing location! Even though the peaches grown here can’t match those at farm stands delivered from hot eastern WA, freshly picked warm peaches still beat store-bought.
PLC is the bane of a lot of peach growers in this region. If you have the time to go down a huge rabbit hole, check out the PLC postings on this site. Lots of frustration mixed with tips for success!
You can get a good sense of the growth habit of different peach varieties by checking the Western Washington Research Station planting in the spring. (Their 10 peach trees are located at the back of their site. I think they have Frost, Avalon Pride, Charlotte. Landt, Salish Summer and a few others.) This past year they did not spray for PLC and the trees suffered serious damage. Normally they spray lime-sulfur in the fall and Ziram in the spring.
If you are short on space, another alternative is miniature peaches that grow only 5-6’. They are very showy and can be planted up against a south-facing structure where they can be protected (via a plastic overhang) from PLC-spreading winter rains. If you check Christiansen’s in the spring, you’ll find many potted miniature peaches in full bloom. Necta-Zee and PixZee are especially good varieties.
I know this variety has been mentioned on another thread but not much said about it. Has anyone tried the Early Golden variety of Japanese Plum?
From advertising, it looks like it would fit into the harvest window with Beauty?
You can’t easily control it with spring copper sprays or chlor.? Here in NY a single spray always works at problem sites and it doesn’t have to be before first growth. I’ve discovered that even spraying when they show first green tissue it seems to work.
I was was considering this variety, but the main concern I have is it’s tendency towards biennialism. Apparently it has to be thinned really well each year to prevent it from fruiting biennially. But I guess if you put in the work to thin it you’ll be fine.
Supposedly “Frost” was bred for its resistance to PLC and so far it’s lived up to that reputation with the one I’ve had the last couple years. I’ve used zero sprays on it. Hopefully it will continue to be resistant as it gets older. I’m sure there are better tasting varieties out there, but to me it’s pretty delicious and beats anything you’ll find at most grocery stores.
Thank you for the suggestions! I really do need to check out that research station in Mt Vernon since it’s less than a half hour away from me.
Christensen’s is the best. It’s where I bought my Frost Peach tree, as well as my Jonagold Apple tree.
Yes, I did here that somewhere about the variety. A bit unusual for Japanese plums but this is a hybrid so maybe some of the European in it is coming through there with the biennial bearing. I wont worry so much about it myself, my Beauty plums overbear so much each year that I have to resort to shaking limbs to drop plums. If I dont Ill have broken trees and small, flavorless plums.
I’m really just trying to find a plum or plums to expand my market lineup during that time of season, Beauty, Methly, Shiro season. Those 3 are hugely popular but come and go so fast that sometimes like during a warm spring the Beauty might go from under ripe to over ripe before it ever gets to a market.
I know myself and a lot of south east Asians love unripe plums. Keep that in mind when thinning, especially if you live in a neighborhood with a high population of SE Asians. I know myself and others will pay premiums for unripe plums and mangos.
For chutney?
I don’t know what that word means. No we just eat them with a fish sauce mix. It’s a summertime favorite of many. Wash, dry, slice into pieces, dip, eat.
For unripe mangos, you can make papaya salad with it instead and it gives a much more sour zing.
I like to pound green plums with fish sauce, msg, salt, and Thai chili pepper.