I have some and they taste like an alpine on steroids, intense wild flavor. Sort of like black currants in a strawberry way. They are not that productive, white flesh. I only have a few plants now here and there. You need a male, at least some places say so. I redone a bed where most of them were, and lost most. Some in another bed are still there,mixed with pineberry strawberries.
are the berries bigger than alpines? might try a half doz. do you remember where you got them?
Bigger than alpine, smaller than regular strawberries. I got some from Raintree. Also I think Baker Creek has some, not calling them musk, but that is what they look like to me.
thanks! Oikios has them also.
Some of @zendog’s donated Mara de Bois strawberries survived the winter in pots like champs.
I am translocating them into an abandoned bookcase to expand my plantings.
Just had more arrive from Nourse today! They will go in tomorrow.
Some pics of our first strawberry crop, mostly Earliglow’s right now. A lot of the plants are really sending out runners now.
Some of the Jewel’s blooming, they’re just now sending out runners. No real berries yet, but a lot of blossoms are swelling up.
i inter planted maria des bois between my earlyglow and they shaded them out. only 2 survived till’ this spring. i think im going to dig them and put them in their own space.
Great idea! Did you drill holes in the bottom for drainage?
Do you mean that your earliglow shaded your Mara des bois? Or the other way around?
the earliglow is a lot bigger plant and they shaded them out. if i could do it again i would put the maria des bois in the south part of the bed and the earliglow behind them.
Strawberry Update
I did a taste test yesterday of 10 varieties (the picture above is from today, the ones yesterday were riper but I thought this would be a helpful post). Out of the ten – Charlotte, White D, Natural Albino, Purple Wonder, Scarlet, Sonata, Gariguette, Flavorfest, Mara des Bois, and some unknown from home depot – Flavorfest was by far the best. It was so much sweeter and had a more fulfilling strawberry flavor than all the rest. Scarlet was very good too, and the pineberries are kind of nice as a change of pace, but I’m likely to switch everything else over to Flavorfest. Also, that’s the reason it’s not part of the picture, I ate even the partially ripe ones yesterday before the chipmunks could get to them.
Where did you get your Gariguette?
Where did you get Flavorfest from, please?
Legendary Strawberries. I’m happy to pot you up a runner and send it to you in the fall, if you’d like.
I think I got mine from Nourse. But it looks like a few places sell it now. Let me know if you want a runner.
I definitely will. Thank you.
SMC Would love it!
Awesome thanks for the breakdown. Looks like I have to add Flavorfest!