Best tasting apples

Richard, are you the famous mathematical geneticist Richard Lewontin?
You said you taught 80K university students in genetics, correct?

On Topic as wild yeast symbiosis to upregulate gibberellins works just as well on apples as it does in these species.
Yeast symbiosis is far more effective than Gibberellic Acid!!!

200 to 300 tomato per fruit spur, 5 fruit spur per 18" tall tomato plant, inbreed heirloom, in development.
Up regulated cantaloupe blooming day 12 with seed leaves still on.

Growing female flowers on thorn tips of Bougainvillea, by epigeneticly upregulating gibberellin.

Female flowers on thorns, these are not the traditional hermaphrodite blossoms.
200 too 300 fruit per spur, 5 spur per plant, in a 1 sqft area 18" high.
Not in a greenhouse, but in the Sonoran Desert with 114 days above 100°F, with temperatures up to 117°F, with 12% humidity.
Only (0.75) inches of rain Jan 1, 2022 to Jun 10th 2022.
Most people can’t even bloom a tomato above 90°F.

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And here I thought this thread was about best tasting apples…


It should be!
Apparently Richard Lewontin wishes to launch an Ad Hominem attack on fellow members, who claim to be safe educated researchers.

My research can be applied to apples.
Far more difficult, yet possible, if we used Colchicine!
Heavy pruning would need to be done, with high density, central leader pole like trees, no more than 5ft apart.

From what I can tell of your posts the last few days, there isn’t a topic that you can prevent yourself from expounding your advice.

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I’m bed ridden most of the day,
doing it on over 120 gardening sites.
Mentoring gives my life purpose!

You’re in good company here!

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Sorry to hear it.
A shot of humility may help offset your huge glass of arrogance.

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If you were to grow just one of these three, would grow Stayman, Blacktwig, or King David?

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Let’s not talk more about non-apple related matters in this thread, please.

If you would like people to know who you are, what your background and experience, please put all the info in your profile.


What is the purpose of comments like this? Let’s keep civil and not gang up on someone that communicates differently than you. Also Richard you are instigating a lot of this. Let’s not get the admins involved again.


Only one varietal???
(Stayman, Blacktwig, or King David) ???
Probably none of the above, lol.
I’m 450 chill hours.
Staymen is an infertile triploidy.
Blacktwig is very high in polyphenols like tannins which I’m allergic to big time.
King David is a heavy bearing Diploid, but needs a pollinator.
However, if very small amounts of Calcium Chloride 9.6pH at (1/8) teaspoon per gallon, plus Magnesium Chloride 7.3pH (1/4) teaspoon per gallon, plus Sugar Mover at (1/100) teaspoon per gallon, plus Citric Acid 3.2pH at (1/4) teaspoon per gallon, was used a (phloem lateral meristem & fruit spur) spray, 2 weeks before bud break, I believe that I could induce artificial chill hours plus self-fertility into King David even in the Sonoran Desert.
That would be my choice for my area if that was the only 3 options.

ROTFLMAO :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Trying, but need to address Ad Hominem attacks & harassment from Richard.
Ask me an apple question like Lodidian then, please.
I’m hear to mentor, not be Ad Hominem attacked.

I’d favor Stayman in my climate, but perhaps King David in yours. Stayman is prone to cracking after a heavy rain, and while I don’t have those here at the critical time, you do in the Fingerlakes. KD doesn’t have that problem, and is an excellent, interesting apple.

Yet another unsolicited and off topic tutorial. Admin, please address this.


Concur. Admin time. On topic discussion is appreciated. Unremitted spewing by someone who doesn’t even know where the tomato multiflora gene came from is severely offputting, much less what happens when the sft gene is up-regulated.

Stayman is a poor quality apple in my climate, severely susceptible to disease and pests. Blacktwig is neither sweet enough nor the right combination of tart/umami for me. I’ve never tried King David but reading about it suggests it may be a possibility. I’d be really interested in more discussion of the variety.


Yes please let’s get back to the topic.

In general we would appreciate if people would not get into extended back-and-forth arguments as it derails the thread and puts off nearly all of the other readers. We will need to start “cleaning out” all of those posts soon if it doesn’t ease up.