While i know its best to wait until june/july/early august depending on where you live to apply products (Like BTG) to kill the grubs while they are about to emerge. When would be the best time to apply Milky spore to get your yard innoculated. Here where it is dry my thoughts are to apply in spring when the ground is nice and moist, while i understand that it grows much faster on beetle grubs it seems like Paenibacillus popilliae also grows in the soil or on different sets of grubs.
We have a group of neighbors all trying to apply this and i was wondering when the best time for us to get control would be. Thanks for the help and here is a wonderful thread about treating JBs and june beetles from clark
Milky spores should be applied when grubs are actively feeding, which is in the summer.
While they can be effective right away, it takes longer time in a colder zone like my zone 6 for them to be effective like 2-3 years.
It is very important to follow the instruction on how to spread the spores. When I did it over 10 years ago, I used a long tube container that looks like a giant salt shaker (can’t remember where I bought it from but it was recommended for MS). I walked backward shaking it all over my lawn.
I believe that was the beginning of my neighbors questioning my sanity
Yeah i feel my neighbors are having some hard self inflection moments because so many of my neighbors have approached me with questions about their new fruit trees and what they should plant this year, when in other years they would be like "Oh! Your planting more trees?? and expanding your garden?? or the “those don’t live here!” “You cannot plant that many trees in your yard” and now they are “where did you buy your trees” , “what trees should i order and how many should i plant”. My prima nocta lawn neighbor i saw using weed n feed over his garden plot
I didn’t get the puffer the new bags you can cut a tiny hole in and then use a cardboard tube if you are cheap and i hate buying tools i only use once. Where as i can do some mental gymnastics to buy a tool i want to use often but only need once.