Best way to tie a plant to a trellis

What are your methods for tying a plant to a trellis? I usually end up using that green stretchy tape you can get, but it looks messy to me.

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I use old clothing torn in strips.


Depends on the plant. For many I use green tape. If you trim the trailing ends it doesn’t look so bad. Dragon fruit pods are too heavy for garden tape so I use clothesline. I burn the ends so they don’t frey. Finally there are bananas – not so much a trellis but eight-foot metal support posts. For these I use cargo straps.

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I use jute twine… it will last a few years 2 or 3 easily… and when you cut it off (like with spent floricanes of Blackberry or Raspberry) you can just let it drop into your mulch. It composts fine.

It is cheap and you can get it in various size rolls and various diameter.

It blends in well… from a distance not noticable at all.


2.5 mm, 3 ply, 328 ft long roll… fits in your jeans pocket. Best i remember i found these on amazon. Only negative… made in china.


I use macrame. It comes in nature colors like green and brown and in various thicknesses.
I have some pieces out in the caneberries that have been in use for over 10 years and the color does not fade, even when stored year-round on the wires. It is easy to knot and unknot.

I used tie tape this past year and i can see where its going to not be fun when it comes to removing them.

I have been playing with some leftover Romex electrical wire on the canes that i missed in late summer. (3 strands inside the jacket)… and it bends and does everything perfectly. I think going forward i will use this exclusively. Super cheap if you have leftover or find some at a yard sale or flea market etc.


i always look for stuff around the house first and decided twist ties from bread bags works for this purpose, depending on what plant you’re securing to a trellis. you can start collecting them every week and build up a supply pretty quick. I used them for muscadine vines. Just remember there’s a tiny aluminum wire inside the ties, so you must be vigilant not to girdle if it applies to your scenario

We use a tying machine on about 8000 feet of blackberry trellis.

The newer model is a lot better than the 20 year old model - holds more tape and staples and does not mis-fire as often

Good tool for the right situation but the green tape is not pretty and it takes an extra cut when pruning to remove the tape.

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I got a lifetime supply of “stretch ties” from this local wholesaler. I don’t think I’d buy them again at the current price, they were a lot less just a couple years ago, or maybe they sold a smaller box

if I didn’t have these I’d use green tape

bought a bunch of 1/8’’ rubber rope in the craft section in the dollar store. it ties and unties easily and have some out 3 years now with no degradation. was 30ft for $1. bought 20 rolls in clear. stretches nearly double its length without breaking.

Since it isn’t expensive, at least the less sturdy ones, I got one.

Slight overkill for now, but I’m planting kiwi and grapes so it will get it’s use.

Now I can’t really justify getting power shears…yet…