Bill Whitman's south FL Pawpaw trial

Hmm, never had my soil tested, but I know it is considered extremely poor by most (its essentially beach sand but without the salt and 40 miles inland). Our native ones (the netted pawpaw) grow nearby on the Alafia River, so that tracks.
Mine is still a few years off from flowering, so I’m not really worried about budding or anything, but that is good to know for the future. Probably gonna put some palm fronds on the southwest side of the cage to block most of the harsh sun. If that doesn’t seem to help, I’ll go get some higher shade cloth.

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Sandy soil should be awesome, low nutrient levels is actually best when weather gets hot & dry, plus sandy is best during heavy rain :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:.
Is there a clay layer or calcium layer or iron oxide layer below the surface?
From what I have read, 70% of Florida has 1 or more of these layers.

Our sand is almost too good at drainage. I assume there is a layer of limestone/calcium around the aquifer, but that is very deep. The clay layer doesn’t start till 15/20ft deep at the minimum. I don’t know about an iron oxide layer, all my knowledge of our soil is from a class I took to work at the phosphate plants, and that wasn’t mentioned at all.