Black Oxford apple - taste?

I found this description of the Black Oxford taste:
Flavor is mild and sweet with a hint of sweet corn, vanilla, and the pure sweetness of cane sugar.
Does it mean the taste is bland(mild usually means it)? I do not see a single word about balanced taste, sharp taste or acidity in general. Is it really so plain sweet?


Not bland, just not subacid like many dessert apples we are accustomed to. Mild yet rich is a good way of putting it, sometimes I get some vinous flavor notes.


So not tartness at all in it? Like in red delicious?

Not much tartness especially once it’s been stored for much time


Winesap has more of a “red apple” taste in my opinion; I would class Black Oxford differently. Cane sugar, vanilla, and a bright grassy flavor is how I would describe it. I find it to be a really enjoyable apple - while it isn’t punchy or loudly flavored, I wouldn’t call it mild or forgettable.


I’ve had my tree a couple years, don’t think it is going to bloom in '22 so I can’t help much. But, If I wanted more Liberty, GoldRush, winesap, Jonathan or MacIntosh—I wouldn’t have ordered mine in the first place !!!

The cane sugar taste is also the reason I got Frostbite.
And Golden Sweet.

Has your golden sweet fruited? I have 2 of those and Honey sweet in the ground but only 2 years old.

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No, but I do have bloom buds if the Dec warmth didn’t get them swollen up so they feeze tonight (7F).

Not familiar with Honey sweet, but I do have a graft of Honeyball…but it, too, has not fruited and doesn’t have fruit buds.

When your Golden Sweet produces fruit, I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts. That’s a variety I’ve almost grafted a few times but have not done so yet. Its southern heritage makes me a bit dubious about winter survival here. I like sweet apples

Documents say it originated in 1832 in Connecticut. But it became popular apparently in southern areas. It ripens mid season and should do ok in that dept in your area, but I don’t know for certain if it is zone 4 hardy. (Maybe someone else does.)

Remind me next summer on the Golden Sweet if I forget.

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I’m looking for sampling Black Oxford…but patience is required.
Do not see that variety at any farm market.

I’ve got a couple Black Oxfords grafted to antonovka here. Neither has put on much growth in two years.

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Well I guess we both wait patiently till then. I guess that’s half the fun of growing these old varieties is the anticipation of that first bite.

I only got 3 or 4 in my Thanksgiving tasting kit from the orchard. I’ve been craving them ever since my Frostbites and Firesides ran out. Next year I’m going to have to stock up.