Hey friends! I know we have quite a few tomato growers here, so I thought some of you might enjoy seeing these very unusual tomatoes. Many of you, and myself, have undoubtedly seen purple tomatoes before, but these guys were touted on several seed sellers as a “true black” tomato, and marketed as the “first real black tomato” on more than one site. They are called “black Beauty”. I’m ashamed to admit that I paid about about $1 per seed for these guys, but I only bought 2 packs of 5-6 and thought it would be a fun gamble. Almost every vendor I checked this spring was sold out of these guys. Apparently they just came out in the last year or two (or maybe just started to become popular) and the vendors all said they couldn’t keep up with demand. I ended up finding them at some obscure vendor that, I’m sorry to tell you, I don’t even remember. But if you absolutely can’t find them elsewhere and want to know my source, I can probably track it down again if you ask.
Now, I cannot say they are “true black”, but I must admit they are very, very close to it! They are actually just an extremely dark purple, but in order to tell this you have to look on the very bottom center which turns “black” the last. In that area where it meets what little green is left, you can tell its a dark purple. HOWEVER, you honestly can call this a “Black” tomato and be pretty accurate. When fully ripe, especially on the top and sides, it is absolutely BLACK! I set it agaist some pure black items and even then you can’t discern the top and sides of these as being anything but true black. They actually look even blacker in person than in the photos. In short, these really are the first “black” tomatoes I’ve ever seen.
I’m not sure they have any real purpose other than being fun because they are unique. I’ve had a blast serving them to people and watching their reactions! Very fun. No one has ever seen anything like it. So if you, like myself, enjoy growing unusual things just for the fun of it, then I encourage you to buy and plant some “Black Beauty” tomatoes. I will also tell you that they are more of a novelty, though, than a really great tomato for general use. They taste good but just average. The tend to be a little on the dry side- ie not a really juicy tomato. Also, the plants aren’t all that productive- not extremely unproductive but they just don’t produce as many as most other tomatoes I grow. As for size, they are about average I guess. They get about the size of a tennis ball or slightly larger.
Anyway, I’m not sure I’ll always grow them and I wouldn’t recommend you add them to your list of tomatoes for serious cooking and canning. But they are decent to eat, produce a decent amount of fruit, and most of all are VERY FUN because they are so unusaual. Cut up and drop into a salad and you’ll definitely get lots of strange looks and comments. I hope you enjoy these.
@Drew51 , I’m tagging you because I know you enjoy growing lots of tomato varieties and I thought you, especially, might get a kick out of these.