I have a Triple Crown Blackberry that has several canes out of the crown. One of the canes, which I think is a flouricane (but no fruits or flowers), has a new cane growing off of it. I think it’s a flouricane because it’s brownish purple. It grew what looks like a lateral cane that’s all green and much thicker than the cane it grew off of. Do I cut this flouricane down along with the new cane when the season is over? I think that’s right about now since I’m in Texas 9b. This whole cane thing is so confusing.
Having trouble tracking your text descriptions, a picture would help.
By this 2024 date, all floricanes would have bloomed. New primocanes should be several feet long.
Unusual for a lateral to be thicker than the source cane, how high off the ground has this occurred?
Maybe I know what you’re talking about?
On my Triple Crown I’ve noticed large laterals come off my florocanes from near to the ground (1-4 inches) after most other fruiting laterals were done blooming. For a while I couldn’t figure out if they were new primocanes or not because while they weren’t thicker the florocane they were on, they looked like, and kept pace with many of the later primocanes my plants were producing. Last I got to see them, end of June, answered it for me. At this point they were probably 3.5ft long and in their tips I could just notice bloom buds forming in there, a fruiting lateral. I think I remember these from last year, coming from down low and reaching onto the sunlight. Producing some the best berries.
In past years I think I’ve sometimes seen those be primocanes before when they come from maybe slightly lower down the cane.
From my experience, if you see bloom buds forming on it, it’s part of the florocane and should be removed with the rest of the florocane. If the shoot doesn’t develope bloom and becomes a nice cane, it’s a primocane and should be treated as such.
This is what had works in my environment, so far, others may know more.
My Triple Crown does put out the occasional very low, very long floricane most years and it blooms late, but it is not thicker than its parent cane.
If it is growing off a floricane… it is a floricane.
I dont have tripple crown… and none of the varieties I have do that. As my floricanes are in the final stages of fruiting… no new growth developes off the floricanes
As the floricanes are in final stages of fruiting… my new primocanes are up and getting quite large (5-6 footers).
It is pretty easy to tall a new primocane from a floricane. As last fruits are harvested… I rather quickly remove any spent floricanes.
If you have plenty of new primocanes up and ready… I would just remove any growth from the spent floricanes. I take spent floricanes outjust below the mulch line.
If you have room in your row for this odd new growth from the bottom of a spent floricane… you could try whacking out all of the older spent floricane… down to the point where this new growth starts.
Leave it and see what it does… perhaps you get some fall berries from it.
Tripple crown must be a very vigorous grower to be doing things like that. My older illini blackberries have very little growth on the bottom half of the canes… fruiting laterals develop mostly on the top half of the canes.
Good Luck !!!
On the second photo, the flouricane I’m talking about is the one on the left. Somewhere in the middle, it starts to get thicker then turns green.
Excuse the forks. I got a whole community of rabbits I’m trying to keep off my cane.
Another question about the same berry here’s a picture of a primocane that has a lateral on each side. If I understand correctly, I’m to, at some point, cut the tip of the middle one to encourage more lateral growth. Right?
It’s about 4 feet up from the ground. The cane that grew out of it is the same thickness of the new primocanes. I think thats why it’s confusing me. It’s so green and healthy. Here’s a picture of the cut primo, then the lateral
All of the growth included in your pictures looks like new this year, vegetative growth, canes, leaf nodes, leaves… (Pcanes).
I see no evidence of fruiting on any of that growth (which floricans should show). If you did get fruit this year… you may have already cut out the spent Fcanes.
Any growing tip on a blackberry or raspberry or hybrid… if you cut it off…
The first several leaf nodes below the cut should send out new growth.
In your ring of forks… I can see where you cut a cane off at some point (3 or 4 inches) above the ground… and that cane that you cut off… sent out growth from at lease a couple of buds below your cut… that may have developed into long new canes this year.
When you take a spent Fcane out (sometime after fruiting is finished) you should cut it off as close as possible to the ground. Get rid of it completely.
If you leave 3-4 inches of a stub there you may get some confusing growth from it. if you have a long growing season and that growth makes good cane size and overwinters well… it may produce fruit just fine next year as a Fcane.
Good Luck.
Yes; those if those old stubs have any near-ground nodes, new growth can come out of it.
Also, Triple Crown is so vigorous that it can survive girdling insects and perhaps rabbit nibbles.
Growth above or at the injury point may appear thicker that the rest of the cane.
I don’t see anything in the photos that I would prune at this time, I wait until the growing season is near an end and then just prune everything to fit the trellis system.
Thank you, TNHunter! You’re right, I cut that cane off just about a week ago. It is the first time this plant had flowers and fruit. It actually only had 3 berries. Would you have any idea why that is? When I cut these canes down next year, I’ll be sure to cut them down completely.
Thanks, LarryGene! That answers my question of what else to cut.