Hi everyone! I’m growing this blackberry in zone 5b against the east fence. The house is on the other side about 6-7 feet away. This blackberry doesn’t loose its leaves until Jan, usually. It is a thornless variety.
Tonight I was looking around and found it hung onto a few leaves from last year. They had little to no winter damage. I found that pretty cool. But is that normal for some blackberry varieties to drop leaves that late and be part evergreen? In zone 5b!
Yes. The leaves on my blackberry plants stay mostly green over the winter as well. I have been pruning them off in the spring but may just let them be next year and fall off when they may.
Is that Triplecrown? I am now in 6a (was recently 5b) and my Triplecrown behaves very similar, although it has never managed to quite hang onto its leaves through the entire winter
I grow some western trailing types that are not hardy in zone 6 but I cover them with leaves in the winter. Not always but some years the old leaves remain. So no it’s not unusual.