Blossom Fireblight in PA?

That’s my guess. On a 2 year old Royal Limbertwig. :frowning: The little guy is going to get a severe pruning to see if I can save it




Sure is looking like it but i cant tell for sure yet. Im 95% sure it is fireblight just starting.

Looks like it to me. I had that happen to my king david this year, and its supposed to be somewhat resistant to fireblight. I lost around 10 apples and several feet of growth cutting it out.

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Also lost a King David this spring…the rootstock is sprouting out.


This is an unusually severe blight year here. So if you can get young trees through this year, odds are next year won’t be as bad. I have not been cutting far enough beyond symptoms and will probably pay for it.


Same here in Va. looks like it’s a bad year.
Pink Pearl:


The pictures from @Nfg831_Z6b and @greyphase are exactly what Fireblight looks like when it starts for me. Most like those if not removed will start oozing an orange/brown liquid which runs to down the branch and spreads easily, presumably spreading the blight. Prune back into second year wood ASAP is my advice, and watch the pruning cut to see if it gets reinfected.

Last year pink pearl was terribly finicky for me. I ended up cutting back multiple grafts from previous years for to FB and die back. I’m not sure it’s well suited to me here in the Shenandoah valley of Virginia.

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