Blossoming pear tree in November?

Was out checking my trees the other day and noticed one of the pears had started to blossom and this was on a couple of branches. Fall here in NE Fl has been very mild, but it usually is…Still I’m puzzled considering the fact that it’s November. Is this an anomaly or will these fruit?

Funny, I also can see in this picture that there is some sort of insect activity going on at the blossom…


Aphids. I would pinch off the flowers just to make sure it is not an entry place for FB.

thanks. why would that be an entry point for FB? is it due to the time of year, or something else?

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From what I have seen in my area insects (bees) carry FB to flowers and most infections start with the flower. You might not have any problems with this flower but why take the risk when it doesn’t have adequate time to mature before the temps drop. This is not the only way FB spreads but in my area what I have observed it is the big one.

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good info, I will certainly take your recommendation and remove these blossoms ASAP.

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My Flordahome pear did the same thing here in San Diego – 1st year in the ground. Fall is always mild, so I imagine this will be a regular occurrence.

good to know. Flordahome was one of the varieties recommended to me. How do you like it?

Haven’t had any fruit yet, so I can only speak to it’s vegetative growth and health. It’s a decent grower, but not as vigorous as Hood (the suggested pollinator companion) on the same rootstock - OHxF133. No signs of FB. Some badly timed frosts in March damaged the first round of leaves, so I could see this being a problem in areas prone to a random late frost. Also, I fully expect someone to chime in and complain about FB susceptibility, despite U of Florida’s claims to FB resistance, but I have yet to experience this.

I have 3 pears, Leconte, pineapple and Keiffer. One of them got hit by FB this past year, can’t recall which, but it was the one that’s not a very vigorous grower. had to hack it back pretty good to make sure I got all the bad spots. It still hasn’t fully recovered.

Of the 3 you have, the Le Conte is probably the most susceptible, with fair resistance — so it’d be that one if I had to guess.

you’re probably right, I know it’s wasn’t the pineapple…