an example of why i think genetic techniques cannot be stopped.
where i think it will go 99% in that direction.
there are some genetic diseases, 50% of which are passed on to the child. there is the possibility of fertilizing an egg cell and doing a biopsy of it, a DNA analysis and you only use the egg cells that do not have the defective gene for the genetic disease. so you can be sure that the child will not has this disease. that’s a good thing i think.
only this same technique can also be used to select ova that have gens for a certain sex, hair color and eye color.
if you have enough money.
but now more and more genes and gene combinations are identified for example tendency for heart diseases, alcoholism…
you could use the same technique, only use the egg cells that have not this gene or genes.
but e.g. B. Some countries are working to find out which gene or gene combinations are responsible for intelligence. once you have figured out the riddle of intelligence genes. You could also use this techniques to select egg cells with that combination
And when that brings benefits, everyone wants the same benefits for their children.
but also strategically, if a country has many more super smart people who promote development, other countries have to do the same in order to remain competitive
it may not be like that for a few hundred years.
But then we have a monoculture of tall, beautiful, intelligent people.
it may not be directly inbred, but picking the same “best” gene combination is sort of inbred
and as has been shown with breeding before, something is being overlooked that makes us vulnerable