Funny enough i was ordering tomato seeds today. And immediately recognized the cultivar you mentioned just now from my searches earlier for what seeds i wanted.
indigo rose is actually not a GMO tomato. But has been around for a bit. And was created by crossing different wild tomato’s with your normal cultivars.
indigo rose also only colors blue/purple on the skin where sun hits it. (inside is not blue)
There is actually a whole group of blue/purple tomato’s that where gotten from natural crosses. (non GMO)
Search google for “brad’s atmic grape tomato”
for example
Technology is not inherently “bad” or “evil” or “good”. Although it can be used in such ways
i look at GMO technology like i look at nuclear technology.
Nuclear technology can be used to make nuclear bombs. (bad in my opinion)
But can also be used for medical imaging, treatments that can cure cancer and possible one day nuclear fusion reactors. (great in my opinion)
I don’t think the question should be if GMO is “bad” or “good” but if a certain application of GMO is “wise”, “good”, “responsible”
Lets face it, if GMO’s aren’t already part of your daily life (how do you think a lot of medication is made?) It probably will be within a decade or a few.
I think we should focus on how we use GMO responsibly.
At face value, using GMO’s to transfer some of the health benefits from a substance that’s usually found in blueberry’s to tomato’s seems like a good idea.
However, due to practical reasons, nobody ate blueberry’s year round (or not a large enough group, to get reliable long term health information)
Getting a really large dosis of anthocyanin was impractically. But with a GMO tomato producing it would suddenly become very easy.
And what’s to stop a company from producing a tomato that produces 100 times more than the current one does? Will probably market better (100 times as healthy right?)
I would like it, if regulation considered the goal of the GMO and not only the application or from what species it came.
If you can scientifically prove what amount of anthocyanin would be most healthy to consume daily. I would be fine with GMO tech making it possible to do that practically. However, if not first demanding a thorough vetting of the goal of the GMO. I’m not comfortable trusting corporations and marketing to only use GMO for good. And minimize risks, consider long term safety / responsible use, over maximizing short term profit.
I would like to see GMO tech use being possible but being heavily regulated. With long term goals in mind.